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"Can you show me"

"Wha-what?"you stutter.

"That trick you just did, it looked cool."
His head was down and you barley were able to make out the words he spoke.
"Sure"you said while gesturing him to follow you.

You showed him step by step but he could follow he was always goofing up.

You laughed at how he tries to copy you in a sassy way that you forgot why you were ever mad at him.
Daniel finally masters your little dance. Now, Daniel shows you some of his moves which are way more complicated. He shows you a trick to flipping the board and landing it.
He begins grabbing your waist from behind telling you every once in a while "your gonna make it, I promise"
You felt safe in his grip that you felt confident enough to give it a try.Daniel slowly let's go and yells "you can do it y/n!" You turn back to smile at him, but when you turn right around you didn't notice the edge of the rock getting closer and closer.
Your heart began to beat as you screamed for Daniel, but when you turned Daniel was no longer behind you. You start to panic and turned around with your eyes closed tight as you prepare for the fall.
Instead of falling forward you were pulled back. You couldn't keep your balance so you fell back.
You opened your eyes to find Daniel rubbing the back of his head with his face in pain.

"Dan are you ok? I'm sorry" you try to say as you get up. Now you feel the pain thumping in your head.
"It's fine, it's not your fault" he closed his eyes tightly when he showed pain.
Daniel slowly gets up and gives you a hand. You notice Daniel had cut marks from the rocks.
You pull Daniel closer to you by his shoulders while scolding at him "You shouldn't have done that! Your all scratched up!" You let go of Daniels shoulders when he picks up your hands gently saying "Your more important than my face you know" he starts to laugh.
You gave him a gentle hug while saying "thank you"
You start to look for your skateboard where was no where to be found.
Daniel helps you look for it when he looks over the edge "Um y/n I found it" you run over to the edge where you can see your skateboard broken into two.
"Oh no..." You said cupping your mouth.
"I'm sorry Y/n"
Daniel looks at the skateboard pieces then does something you regret letting him do.
"I'm gonna go down and get the pieces ok? We can go back to my house and fix it."
Without a word from you Daniel slowly makes it down the steep edge.
The edge didn't go straight down it was steep and very rocky.
Daniel walks down slipping on little rocks each step he takes.
You can't see Daniel as much anymore.
It was silent for a while and all you could hear we're people laughing and talking back at the park.
Then you hear a faint call "y/n!" You could barely make it out but you knew it was Daniel.
Without hesitation you try to quickly make your way down while slipping on rocks. You find Daniel in more pain than before trying to move his leg.
"Y/n" he says while trying to reach for his leg where his hands were being held back with thorns.
You quickly tear the thorns away ignoring the pricks that they gave you. Daniel tries to move his leg but he leats out a small wimper. "Y/n! I think it may be broken!"
You immediately try to look for your phone but you remember leaving it at home so you do the only thing you could do.
"DUSTIN!" You start screaming trying to walk back an climb up leaving Daniel laying in pain. "DUSTIN! HELP!"
You start to cry when you hear running.
"Holy sh--"
Dustin starts calling for an ambulance on his phone while the other guys whom you saw the day that you moved in, were telling Daniel they were going to get his parents.
Not much time has passed untill the ambulance came picking up Daniel slowly and gently. "Ma'am your hands" you turn to see a lady pointing at your hands. You look down blood dripping from your hands and many thornes. You didn't notice bleeding but now reality hit you and pain started rising from your hands.
The lady started leading you into the ambulance. Which Daniel was already put to sleep. "He needs to rest" one of the doctors said, "After that fall he almost knocked the wind out of himself." You look down and nodded.
The lady from before came in the ambulance closing the door behind her. "Let's wait untill we get to the hospital to take those thornes out. We don't wanna make it worse". Every once in a while the doctors would get up and check on Daniel. They gave you a white towel to stop the bleeding.
This whole thing felt as if it was your fault, probably because you should of told him it was fine and you can buy another one. But it's also kind of Daniel's fault because he should have known the danger of that edge.

You got to the hospital and they took Daniel in first because his leg was now bleeding and beginning to show lots of red.
Daniel was rushed into a room next to yours. Daniel opened his eyes the second you two were separated.
The nurse told you that he was doing fine and that they'll let you see him when you were all fixed up.
They sat you down and brought in a tray and tweezers. Every Thorn they took out, fresh blood came along with it.
You didn't realize how hard you were pulling those thorns out of Daniels way.
After the thorns were removed you felt your hands feel less stiff. The nurse put the tray down and gave you a new towel while washing off the blood with a white clothe. Then putting something on your hands that made the cuts burn but you knew they were just making sure the open cuts didn't bring any bacteria that could make them worse.
Finally the nurse started rapping your hands with bandages.
"Ma'am your boyfriend will be fine."she said looking up at you with a kind smile.
"Oh he's not my boyfriend" you reassured her.
"Oh really?"she said looking up at you while rapping the last piece of bandages.
"Boys do stupid things for love you know" she looked back down getting ready to bandage your other hand.
"What do you mean?"you ask more confused then ever.
"Let's just say if you were only a friend to him he would have let the board there."
You couldn't make sence of what she was saying.
"All done! Let's go check on the boy"
You and the nurse went to the room nextdoor and you can see Daniel lying in bed with his arms a little bruised up. Daniel had his foot held up with a machine and had a cast over it.
"His foot is definitely broken" the doctor turned around from his chair.
"Daniel here, has broken the lower part of his leg. But with enough rest and no walking, he'll be good to come back for crutches in about 3 months" The doctor smiled to the nurse.

"Well me and the nurse here, are going to see if your good enough to be sent home."
The doctor and nurse leave you and Daniel alone.
"Im sorry I couldn't get you your skateboard y/n" Daniel says looking your way.
"Your way more important than my skateboard you know" you say imitating him from before.
Daniel let out a smile and laughed.
The room started to become silent untill Daniel said.
"Do you think I'm a bad person?"
He looked at you with no emotion.
"I don't know Daniel"
You responded.
"He looked at you for a little longer untill he looked back at the ceiling.
"I wanna be truthful to you but things have been going terrible lately and I don't wanna go back to where I started." He said taking a deep breath.
"Well you can start by giving me your trust and I'll give you mine"you said getting up.
"Well from what I see your a nice person." You tell him.
"You don't know what I'm capable of" he says giving you a wink "jus trying to control myself can't go well".
You stand up walking over to the bed.
"Well it's never too late to change Danny."
You were shocked at the name you gave him but he smiled.
"Danny? I like it" he says looking up to you.
"You start to giggle while getting closer to him.
You wanted to give him a kiss on his forehead but you kissed his cheek instead.
He smiled locking eyes with you.
Daniel reaches out pulling you in.

"Well what do we have here?"
The door opens up to Dustin coming in.
You ran to your chair out of Daniels hands.

"Hey Dust"Daniel says.

"You two already know each other?" You say confused.
"Of course! We have classes together"
Dustin said.
The nurse comes in with the doctor.
You stand up as the nurse walks over to you.

"And you don't call that love?" She whispered into your ear.

Sorry chapter was a lil long but had a bit fun writting this.I will be trying to upload as much as I can hope you enjoy-Lovslots

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