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As I gained consciousness my ears rung with beeps and buzzing surrounding me. I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the starkness of the white room, adding to the pain radiating from the back of my head. I squinted, looking around and noticed a small window in the top right hand corner. Judging by the pink rays seeping through across the space I realised it was dawn.
"Hello?" I called out, my voice husky and my throat dry.

I heard a light pitter patter head towards the room. I saw Skye's head pop around the door frame, beaming at me. She ran up and hugged me tight; I winced but let her continue, I didn't have the heart to stop her.
She flapped her hands "You're awake, I was so worried!" She saw the expression on my face and immediately released.
"Ohhhh sorry! I just got sooo excited, did I hurt you?" I shook my head, knowing she'd get upset if I told her the truth. She started full pelt again
"Oh gosh, I totally forgot! I'm supposed to let Negan know when you're up!"

I felt my tummy tingle, I recalled when he'd saved me as he held me close, flush against his body. I shook my head trying to snap out of it, but all it achieved was for the pain to reignite through my skull. 
"She's awake?" I heard his familiar gruff voice, my heart leapt involuntarily. He rushed into the room and kissed my forehead, a tender gesture.
"How are you feeling princess?" I groaned at my new pet name.
"I'm good thank you" I lied, Skye in the background clapping
"You guys are too cute" She chimed, Negan turned around and shot her an endearing smile and addressed her in a soft voice
"Hey Skye sweety, would you be able to give us a bit?" I looked at him, dumbfounded. I couldn't believe how much he coddled her. She nodded and slipped out of the room as I slightly envied her obliviousness. I turned my focus back to Negan
"What was that about?" I questioned and he averted his eyes, completely uncharacteristic of him.
"I don't know what you mean princess"
I persisted
"You can be the most callous, awful, egotistical asshole I've ever met. Then in comes Skye and you're whole demeanour changes." He leant into me, I felt his hot breath across my face, making me clench.
"What's the matter princess? You'd prefer if I was an asshole?" He smiled at me, showing his pearly whites. He chewed on his bottom lip and I couldn't help but be distracted by it. His grin widened, smug that he was having such an effect on me. He placed his hand on my cheek as he leaned in with his eyes locked on me, he was seeking my approval. I closed my eyes as our lips touched, the fire from the kiss scorching my skin. We both groaned at the comfort we found in each other in that moment.

As we came up for air our eyes locked again; I noticed how his eyes were intense and dilated, guessing mine were the same.
"Holy shit princess, won't be long til you're begging!" I swatted at his chest, not wanting to admit that his confidence was turning me on. I placed my hand on his chest as I confessed
"And by the way, I like seeing you behave the way you do with Skye. It almost makes you appear human." I laughed at him playfully "you know I'm gonna get it out of you, when are you going to tell me
about Skye?" I watched as his face turned dark, he stood up unceremoniously and stated blankly
"Probably about the time you tell me about Judith" he stormed off and I coughed in shock, wondering how everything could turn so quickly. I wanted to appease him, but there was no way I could tell him about Judith, it wasn't my place to tell.
I tried to rationalise his actions in my head as a lady brought in a meal. I thanked her as I gulped down the water, then I nibbled on the bread whilst I mulled over my thoughts.

As I was about to lay down and rest a small group of saviours headed into the room. They had beautiful white roses in hand as well as a honeydew melon. They were all excited and I smiled at them appreciatively.
"We're so happy that you're awake Rackel! We heard about what happened and we've been praying for days that you'd wake up." I thought I must've misheard so I rectified
"Days?" They nodded and placed the beautiful flowers on my bedside, the aroma comforting me. I couldn't believe I'd lost a couple of days. I forced myself to stop thinking about that, feeling rude for not thanking them sooner.
"Thank you so much everyone, I feel so loved right now! I can't believe you wonderful people would take out your time to prepare these wonderful gifts for me" they all smiled at me
"We've been told that these are your 2 favourite things" a frail woman chirped, she reminded me of my nonna.
"You guys are so thoughtful! I'll be sure to make it up to you as soon as I can" They all clapped at my response and I laughed at the ludicrousy of it.
"Anyway, we better let you rest! Have a good day princess Rackel!" The old woman said whilst tucking me in. I took comfort in the caring gesture and laughed at the fact that my nickname had spread so quickly. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and couldn't stay conscious any longer.

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