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I crossed the threshold and five sets of eyes locked on my every movement. I looked straight ahead as I shuffled to the window on the opposite side of the room, acting like I was oblivious to the fact that I was being thrown daggers from all directions.

Negan followed and placed his hand on my lower back in a possessive manner, and with a flourish of his free hand he introduced me.
"This, my beautiful wives, is Rackel. Don't we want her to feel welcome?"

Talk about division of labor.

They all replied in unison, "Good afternoon Rackel."

Their tone and timbre immediately put me on edge, but I still smiled at them. I didn't want to cause offence. We'd just only met and my Nonna had drilled into me the importance of first impressions from a young age.

I was surprised that, for the most part, they seemed happy to meet me. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding onto, some of the tension leaving my body. Negan noticed my ease and chuckled into my ear, causing an involuntary shiver. 

"Now princess, that wasn't so hard was it?"

He pushed against my back and led me to an adjoining room, shutting the door behind us. I looked to my left, a massive king sized bed taking up a third of the room.

I couldn't breathe; this wasn't how I wanted to have my first time! The combination of the tight leather dress and my ever-growing anxiety caused me to wheeze, struggling with each and every breath.

He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Whoa there Rackel! We're just here to chat, shit!" He lead me to the right, where a much less imposing arm chair sat. I sat down and focused on my breathing.

Pull yourself together! You're going to get HIM killed.

He sat on the coffee table, placing his hand on my bare thigh. "Now baby, I need to make his very clear: We don't rape! That's not what we're about here! I won't do anything until you say yes!" 

I nodded at his reassurance.

"I know it's hard to see past the fact that I beat the ginger to a pulp." I winced at the memory, which drove him on. "But, I think in time you'll see we ain't so bad. We've got our own people, just trying to get by like you guys."

I ground my teeth, I couldn't fucking believe how delusional this guy was. "We didn't bash any of your heads in!"

He quickly removed his hand, his face going noticeably red. "Nah, all you guys did was kill thirty of my men while they slept."


He squinted his eyes as his accompanying gestures became more severe and jerky. "What? Rick the prick didn't tell you?"

No he didn't, but could I blame him for that?

I breathed deeply. This path of conversation was leading us nowhere. "I'm sorry my group did that. I didn't realize!"

He ran his hand through his hair, looking up to the heavens. He took a moment before landing that charismatic smile and gaze back on me. The predator was back on task, stalking his prey. "I want you to be part of our family Rackel! It's obvious you're hot as hell and loyal to boot. I need more of that in my group and I'm happy to wait for you to come round."

He lowered his voice to barely a whisper, leaning in for effect. "And believe me baby, I'll get you to come round!" He stroked his beard with a flare of exuberance.

He couldn't possibly believe that!

But by the look on his face, I could tell he absolutely did believe it. And it was my job to keep this ruse up; he had to keep believing that I was happy about the idea.

I had to keep my promise, so Negan will keep his.

I leant into him, accidentally giving him a nice view down my dress, whispering sweetly, "do you think so?"

He laughed through his teeth and ogled me. "Oh sweet Rackel, you have no idea."

He leaned in slowly, closing his eyes for a kiss.

Knock, knock

Negan's eyes flew open. "WHAT?"

The man on the other side of the door cleared his throat. "It's Dwight sir. We're here with your dinner as requested."

Negan's mood perked up way more than it should. He rubbed his hands together and stood. "Well come on in then!"

It all made sense when the door opened and Daryl entered. Bruised and bloodied, dressed in filthy sweats holding a crystal platter.

He's still alive.

My chest heaved as the overwhelming tears began, my legs having a mind of its own as I closed the gap between us. We collided and held each other tight, the crystal platter falling to the ground shattering into a thousand pieces. For that split second I was able to forget where I was and get lost in my love's embrace, like nothing had happened.

Barely a second passed before Negan and Dwight were pulling us apart. Daryl locked his arms around me, not wanting to let go.


Dwight cocked his pistol and placed it to Daryl's temple; he finally let go and stepped back. Negan grabbed my forearm, holding his index finger to my face as he snarled, "what the fuck was that? I thought I made it crystal fucking clear how I felt about sharing!"

Why did I do that? So stupid!

Dwight dragged Daryl away while I attempted to backtrack, grabbing onto my captor's jacket. "I'm so sorry, Negan!" His nostrils flared, scrunching his face in fury.

I knelt down and begged him, "please don't hurt him! It was all my fault, I'm just missing home is all." I wrapped my hands around his legs, resting my head on his thigh as the full fledged sobs began. "I promise I'll do better! Please Negan, I'll do better!"

I looked at him, his eyes blazing as he stroked my hair. "Of course you will baby. Of course you will."

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