Scars are Everywhere just so happens I love yours 2

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We were downstairs, all sitting apart from Dante.

"What happened?" Luc asked me, hugging Jamie to him.

I sighed "Why aren't you two on a honeymoon?" I asked them, I didnt want to be the reason.

Jamie smiled at me "We havent decided where to go, and we both wanted to make sure everything was alright here and that so we'll go another time." I was about to say something when she stopped me. "Just because you say its fine, doesnt mean it is" I nodded, that was true-It wasnt fine, I wasnt fine. But I'm not gonna admit that out loud.

"So what happened?" Jamie asked me, kissing her husbands cheek.

"Well uh I got visited." I said.

"And visited you mean?" Logan asked, I sighed

"By a ghost" They all nodded. "What did they say?" Christian this time

"Her name is Gabrielle Rousseau, and she was taken by the same people that Jake was." I said to them.

"She's french, and that she was drugged when moved to a warehouse of some sort"

I stopped. I didn't want to say anything about this but I knew I had too.

"Is that all?" Christian asked, even though he knew it wasn't the end.

I shook my head, and looked straight at Dante and let a breath out.

"She mentioned a name, she thinks this person is high up in this whole thing" Dante stared at me waiting.

"The name was" I let another breath out "Cora"

Dante stared at me,

"That's... not uh possible" Leah said, "Right?" Gabriel looked at her and nodded.

I saw Leah look away from him, but my eyes never looked away from Dante.

He didn't say anything, I heard a sigh

"We all knew she was going to be back at one point, it just seems bad that its right when The black circle reappear, and have something to do with the..." Stopped. "Jake's death" Luc said, I swallowed at the part of Jake.

"Yes it is" Christian murmered.

Dante just stood there listening and staring at me.

"What we going to do?" Logan asked, I looked away from dante then.

"You will do nothing, not at the moment" I said to them "This is my case, Jack has already gave it to me-"

Christian asked me "How did you manage to get Jack to agree to that?"

"I told him he may as well as give it to me because I was going to do it either way- and also he we both know I wouldn't let any one deal with this." I said, then smirked a bit "I also spoke to Morgan" Christian nodded

"That would work"

I nodded, Morgan is 25 and she works for Jack as a go between she helps the families that have lost someone cope. She's be working there for 4 years and Jack is completely in love with her, and her him. They just don't feel right about it... or that's what Morgan said to me.

"Like I said; you will do nothing. This is my case for the time being if I need help or information you will be one of the first to know." I said to them.

They looked at me.

"No." Dante spoke.

I turned to him. "What?"

"No." He said again.

"You lost me" I said to him,

"You cannot expect me to sit here and do nothing" He said to me. "I will not sit here while I know Cora is out there"

Damn! I didn't think he was going to say that. I thought he hated her.

"Dante that's not best" I said

"And why not?" He asked me. Crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why, because you..." Um... why not? "You have a personal reason for you to be taking this case" I said, and nodded that sounded good.

"And you do not?" He asked me with an arched eyebrow.

"Well... yes but that's different" I said,

"And how is that?" He asked, god! Dos he only ask questions.

"Because you want revenge or something-Whereas I want the truth" I said,

He nodded "True, but if the person who killed Jake died would you be guilty?"

I stared at him- I did only want the truth but if that happened no I wouldn't be guilty.

"You're right, I wouldn't" I said to him.

"But do you think its best?" I asked him,

He stared at me then at the family... "You were right I didn't die, and I can't let her control my life, I need this to end. So I can live and move on" He said,

I nodded, but why did I feel that when he meant move on... it had something to do with me?

"So are you two going to be working together?" Logan asked, I didn't look away from Dante but nodded.

This was going to be interesting.... To say the least.


Short I know... I wont be uploading for at leat 10 days from Monday... I may upload tomorrow, but only may.

I would like to know if you want this to involve Gabriel and leah's story- do you want that as a completely different story cos if ya do then I need to start writing that one, as they happen at the same time... If you/ I decide to put it to this one I will name it something different so you know who's story it is about

Tell me when you comment... and yes WHen I love reading your comments :)

This story wont be very long maybe 20 like the first, but if it has Gabriels aswell may be longer like 30ish give or take,

so vote comment and fan...


p.s pleaseee tell me what you want me to do x

St.Marcs Brother Romance 2: Scars are everywhere Just so happens I love yoursDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora