Scars are everywhere just so happens I love yours 9

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"I still dont get it how can you turn you own sister in?" I said to him, from across the table, he said we may as get food in me as we thought so we to this small cafe we found that was hardly packed, so we could have privacy.

Dante shrugged "I do not know, people do things for stupid things." He said to me. I sighed.

"I know that, im on the council and a agnet. But I mean youre own family?!" I said annoyed.

"He is very stupid, and scared" he said to me with some tone.

"Yes..." I said to him, he smirked slightly.

"Maybe we should get someone to pay him a visit in his dreams?" he said, I smiled now.

"Scare him into a confession?" I said, he nodded and took a bite of my muffin that I had got on the side, I scowled slightly at that. "That's not what the professionals would do" I said using sarcasism. He smiled a real smile not a full blown one just a small one.

"Who said that?" I laughed, this guy was funny.. "Okay so we ring Morg when we get back to the hotel?" he nodded. WE went silent after that, me thinking why would you do something? Like give your sister over to face her death?... People should feel grateful for the family they have.

I would do anything to have Jake back; but then theres Pierce who gave his sister away.

"Dante?" I said to him, he looked at me. "What are you going to about Cora?" his face showed no emotion when I mentioned her name. "Do we kill her?" I said to him, you'd think I'd be all against killing, but Im not. Some people actually deserve death; but then others don't deserve the easy out of their crimes.

"WE do not do anything, I will kill her" he said to me. I sighed.

"Are sure that's a good idea?"I said. He didn't reply so I carried on. "I mean we are talking about the women who got angry just because you didn't get jealous that she was sleeping with another man. The women who almost killed you and your brother; the one who has scarred you for life, the women who made you push your family away"

"Je sais bien sanglante ce qu'elle a fait" ( I bloody well know what she did) he said angerily. I just ignored him, and carried on.

"The women who made you pull away from your family; because you thought you were protecting her. When actually it was quite stupid" he sat there glaring. " The women who has made you the most bitter mean old man I have ever met" he stared at me with shock.

"You don't go easy on people do you" he said more to his self. "Im the most bitter mean old man you met?" he asked me not believing. I shurgged, he shook his head.

"Have you not met Christian" he said to me I smiled slightly.

"He's not that bad. You push people away; Christian holds them dearly" I said telling him the truth, he just stared at me.

"You ready to go?" he asked finally, sighing I nodded. It will take a lot to get through to this vampire prince of mine...


Today he was taking me, he said he didn't want to give me time to re-think my decision to let him show me what I will miss out on, I already know. To be honest I miss him, our selves. He makes me feel... like a human again- funny that. He was the one who took that away from me.

"You ready?" he asked me, coming into my room, as I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt him come up behind me, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

"You know it shocked me when I found out we had reflections, that I could still put my makeup on without having to guess" he sighed and placed his hands on my waist.

St.Marcs Brother Romance 2: Scars are everywhere Just so happens I love yoursWhere stories live. Discover now