Chapter 18

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I turned wide eyed towards Phil as the book slipped from my hands and fell to a random page. 

I could feel tears beginning to form as I let out a sob. Phil saw this and rushed over to my side, he gently grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. 

"What's wrong?" He whispered close to my ear.

I didn't say anything I just held onto him and cried.

He didn't push me to answer him, he simply guided me to one of the chairs that were surrounding a table. I felt that same crackling blue energy starting to form around me, Phil's voice was so distant I almost didn't hear him.

"You need to calm down, Night. Just take deep breathes okay." He was standing behind me soothingly rubbing my back. 

A different type of energy filled the room and Phil stopped moving his hand and glanced upwards. At that moment, the books surrounding us started to lift of their shelves and hover away and float in different directions. The energy pulsed once and it streamed out causing every book in the vicinity to float including the restricted ones. 

Each time the energy pulsed, the higher the books got, and it was escalating quickly. It took me a while to realize that the energy was pulsating in time with my heartbeat. 

All of it was happening too quickly, Phil grabbed my hand and pulled me into another part of the library that had a mini roof jutting out from the side, it provided us with shelter if the books fell.

"You need to bring the books down." Phil's voice was urgent.

I looked around taking in the scene in front of me. My tear stained cheeks were cold and taut, I didn't have a single clue on how to bring the books down. 

They have the power to wipe out large cities on their own if brought into the wrong hands...

The line from the book flashed through my head and I looked down at my trembling hands, I'm causing a mess like this because I'm an emotional wreck. What would I end up doing if I got blindsided by rage?

"What is going on down here!" A voice boomed through the library, the sound bouncing off the walls and repeating itself. 

Phil and I shared an oh fuck look before looking in the direction the voice came from.

There stood an enraged Marcus and a stoic James. 

I saw James' eyes soften when he saw my face but then they turned hard again. I saw a battle raging in his head, his emotions were so conflicted he didn't know whether to console me or stay as far as possible. 

I saw Phil step in front of me slightly, this action was not missed by James who narrowed his eyes at the space between Phil and I. What's his deal?

Phil was preparing to say something to Marcus but I cut him to the chase. 

"I'm sorry, I was feeling incredibly homesick and my emotions went haywire. The books started flying everywhere and I don't know how to bring them down." I said all of this really quick so I didn't lose my nerve, Marcus looked terrifying.

"Why in the name of everything good, were you in the library in the first place?" Marcus' steely voice was cutting through the sounds of the books rustling pages. 

"I asked Phil if there was a library because I love to read, so he brought me here. I wanted to get my mind off things," I took a quick glance at James who looked wounded. "But that didn't go quite as planned." I gestured at the books.

"You're creating a mess, and I want it to stop, now. So make it stop." 

"I said I don't know how." I gritted out through clenched jaws. 

"Prohibere."  A female voice rung through the air and the books dropped. James and Marcus weren't as lucky as Phil and I. I saw a particularly large book with a hardcover smash into Marcus' head while James was belted down with books of all sizes. 

"Mother fucker," James grumbled as he stood up from the pile of books, he held his hand out to Marcus who slapped it away while also grumbling. 

"Rene, was that necessary?" 

Marcus exclaimed turning to look at the very pretty girl who was watching all of us with amusement. Her straight black hair framed her heart-shaped face that was a very light pink from laughter, her molten chocolate eyes were gazing at each of us in bewildered delight. She leaned her slender frame on one of the bookshelves with her arms crossed. 

"Considering the fact that you have been yelling at that poor girl for doing something she can't control, then yes." 

"That poor girl has been causing nothing but trouble since she arrived." Ouch. 

...unexplainable events will start to occur... The other passage from the book reminded me that Marcus was right, I was being an absolute nuisance without meaning to. 

"Now now, don't be so rude," She looked around the library in dismay then pouted. "I am not going to fix this place on my own." 

I instantly offered to help, she looked grateful and then turned to the boys.

"Any of you book fans gonna help?" 

Marcus and James grimaced but Phil said he'd help too. Once Phil offered, James did too, but not before shooting a nasty look at Phil.

"I have better things to do then clean up after a stupid girl," Marcus shot out and bent down to pick up two of the restricted books. "I'll take these and return them when I'm done." He spoke in a much nicer tone to Rene. 

Rene shook her head at him as he darted off. She clapped her hands together and faced us.

"Hmm, let's see," She point at me and James, "You two move much faster than Phil and I will be able to, so I want you both to start on the larger section of fiction books, you'll have to search everywhere for them though." She said looking around with a grim smile. 

"We'll do as much as we can." I gave a mock salute and started off in the direction that seemed to have the most fiction books. I faintly heard Rene tell Phil to pick up any books and locate them to the right spots as she did the same.

This was going to take a while, even with speed. 

Rare VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora