Chapter 23

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"I'm sorry, what?"

Rene and Marcus looked at each other having a silent conversation.

Marcus was the one who decided to speak.

"Get comfy, this is a long story."

I nodded and shifted back on the bed until my back was propped up against a pillow. I sat Indian style and waited for him to start

"I was a vampire by birth, so I grew up and stopped my ageing at 19. But when I was a child, I was told the story of the oracle's predictions.

"They said that a rare vampire would appear in the near future, when they said near future everyone thought from one year to three till one arrived. They even lifted the ban on vampires and humans temporarily to see if it would help. When no rare vampire came about, everyone assumed the oracles were wrong, and everyone slowly forgot about rare vampires.

"That's why Midnight, we didn't even come close to thinking you were a rare vampire. The problem with this is that we couldn't prepare you. Aradia; my cousin and Rene's sister, dabbled in darker forms of magic. One that she was particularly interested in was dream-walking.

"Dream-walking is dangerous, it not only messes with the victim but the caster's mind as well. Despite being only 17 years of age, Aradia is uncannily powerful. Another fault on all our parts, we had forgotten the words of the oracle.

"She regularly changes her appearance, so we left her alone seeing that she doesn't want to be found. She was 12 when she started hanging out with the wolves, also the time she moved away and lived with them someplace close to the town. We were all furious, she's so young and making decisions like that, but she was also incredibly mature.

"If I recall correctly, and quote 'A powerful, dangerous witch with glowing white eyes, born in the year of the rare vampire from one and the same womb. Of the race and by the race of invincibility and magic.' If I think about it now, every single sign was warning us that you the Rare Vampire was coming, Aradia was born of a vampire and witch; invincibility and magic. I think by the 'from one and the same' means twins.

"She had the glowing eyes whenever she cast a spell, she was practising dangerous spells. But she was never around to hear the stories of what the oracles had predicted, so we don't think she knows what she's truly capable of. Yet we all managed to neglect the oracles tellings.

"And what makes even less sense, is that the only way a dream-walk can occur is if the caster has spoken to the victim directly. So how does Aradia know you?"

Marcus finished with a thoughtful gaze.

I pressed my fingers to my temple and massaged gently. I was getting a headache.

"So in a nutshell, Aradia wants to hurt you. We have to figure out how she knows you, and train you to shield your mind from dream-walks. Oh, and take my sister's powers away." Rene said cutting through the tense silence.

"But she's your sister, we can't hurt her can we?" I said baffled.

Rene gave a shrug and tilted her head to the side.

"She may be my sister but her actions are unforgivable, we can remove her magic and turn her into an ordinary human. We may also be able to erase her memories with your help, Marcus. After all, you are the best mind eraser in the Kingdom."

She directed the last part to Marcus who seemed deep in thought. 

"I agree with Rene's course of action. We just have to locate her." Marcus said sitting up a little taller.

"Midnight, I'll help you train against the dream-walks. I've seen my sister do it a handful of times, there's a way to reverse it and see where she is."

Marcus grumbled under his breath, "Why didn't you mention that before, Rene?"

"Just remembered it." She smiled cheekily.

My headache was getting worse, I looked at the time again. 

8:43 am.

Rene and Marcus were talking among themselves again, this time I didn't mind, it gave me an opportunity to think.

Just how powerful is Aradia? Rene was so kind and helpful, then they described Aradia as the exact opposite. 

How did Aradia talk to me? Much less meet me without setting off warning bells in my head? 

Then again, she must have met me while I was still human, I've been contained in the castle since I got turned.

"Hey guys," I said interrupting them. "Aradia met me while I was still human."

They gave me doubtful expressions but I continued.

"Ever since I've gotten turned, I've been here at the castle. I left once to the town in the dead of night and never spoke to a single soul. 

"Which means I must have met her in passing, maybe at school. You did say that she was near the town with wolves, must have been a student I said hello to."

"You're right..." They both said at the same time.

I jumped a little when I heard a loud crack of thunder.

"Is it storming outside?" I asked in surprise.

"It has been for quite some time, we're deeper in the castle so even for us vampires we have to strain to hear it," Marcus said like it was meant to be obvious.

I focused on finding the sound, and to my surprise, I heard loud raindrops pelting down everything in its way. The thunder was crackling and I heard lightning strike something close to the castle.

"In any case, we won't be heading outside for now. It was a sudden storm that appeared over everything, including neighbouring towns. Best to stay inside."

I looked at Marcus for a very long time until Rene spoke up.

"I think it's best I start your training today, Midnight. You'll need as much as possible before Aradia does it again."

"There go my plans of getting to my town," I muttered quietly under my breath.

"What'd you say?" Rene said leaning in.

"Excuse me?" Marcus said, he obviously heard me.

"I said there go my plans of getting to my town," I said folding my arms.

Marcus' brown eyes mixed with gold when he turned his intense gaze on me.

"And pray tell, what were you planning to do there?"

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to get out of this.

"I need to talk to my parents. Please."



"I said no, you can't leave."

"I just nee-"

"I said no."

I slammed my hand down on the bed in frustration. Marcus' eyes never left mine as he stared me down.

"Let me finish." I sighed out.


I glared at him until he finally agreed to let me speak.

"I just need to talk to my parents, I have to ask them so many questions, please. Rene said it herself, that you're the best mind eraser in the kingdom. When I'm done you can erase their minds." 

I said letting my hands move accordingly to drive my point home. 

I felt hurt saying those words, but I knew that they would have to get their minds erased for their safety.   

Rene was leaning back in her chair watching us in amusement.

"You both act like a married couple, it's entertaining."

Marcus and I snapped our heads toward her and exclaimed at the same time.


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