Chapter 6

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"If it's an emergency summoning shouldn't we get going?" I said. They all nodded in reply and we ran out of the school at top speed.

Luckily the teacher knew what to do in this situation so we exited the school and stopped there.

"Chika, you should stay here and help everyone evacuate. And Natsume please keep an eye on Chika. Also if you need to use your trigger, do so and don't go near the forbidden zone."

"Okay!" The two replied

"Yuma, you should give them mini replica." I said

"You read my mind." Yuma brings out a small version of replica and gave it to Chika. "We can use mini replica to communicate through and if you're in trouble one of us will be there."

"Okay, Yuma and Harumi will come with me to kill as much neighbours as we can!"

"Of course!"

Before we put our triggers on everyone in the school came out to the windows and wished us luck.

"Trigger On!" We all said, and in a matter of seconds we were transformed.

A lot of wows and amazings was being said up there.

"Let's go." Osamu said and with that we ran off at full speed.

We ran and ran and yet no neighbours were in our path, which I guess was lucky for them. Suddenly, HQ Director Shinoda starts speaking to us through the triggers. Summarizing what he said is fight to your hearts content all except C-Ranks who will help with evacuation.

"Guys wait." We all stopped. "I forgot to mention one last thing about Aftokrator. My friend was a pretty big deal back there so he knew basically everything that was going on. He told me that they were creating new trion warriors. And it isn't normal, it's fast, smart and pretty strong. I honestly don't think that a group of B-Ranks would be able to defeat them from what I saw from a prototype. I'm pretty sure they're called Rabbits. They capture trigger users for trion, and the outcome isn't pretty."

"I see, I've heard about this new type." Replica says

"Shouldn't we tell everyone about this! Lives could be in danger!" Osamu shouts

"And what, blow my cover. Border's gonna ask you where you got this information and what are you going to say, 'some other neighbour girl who came some time ago that I didn't tell you about'?"

"Then why don't we have Replica tell them!"

Before I reply we get another message from Shinoda-san. And he basically said to watch out for a new type trion soldier that was over 3m tall and takes in trigger bodies. Which was the Rabbit. 

"That works." Replica nods and starts to tell Shinoda-san as we took care of some Trion Soldiers. "You guys stay here, I'll go back down to make sure that there aren't any trion soldiers that snuck by."

"Haru! You should take a mini Replica then. Just in case you need to contact us." Yuma says

"Of course. I'll be near the end of the forbidden zone just to make sure no one slips by." I look over at Osamu who's using his shield to block of a soldier, then I look back at Yuma. "Stay safe and good luck." 

"You too." Our foreheads touch as our eyes closed. It was a thing we did. 

At full speed I make my way to the end while killing some neighbours on the way. Eventually I make it right at the end. I saw people continuing to evacuate. Not everyone was out yet. I use my hands as a binocular and search for Chika, but she isn't anywhere to be seen. Aftokrator's only here to find a new leader. One with high amounts of Trion, and that obviously leads to Chika. She's the only meeden here that has high levels of Trion. It's her that we all need to protect.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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