Chapter 10

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Italics= Italian

Phadra's POV

The jet had landed in Italy on a private landing strip. The sky was blue and cloudless. When I walked down the steps of the jet, Antonio was at the bottom. He held his hand out for me to grasp.

"Welcome to Italy, bella," he said. I almost smiled as I slipped my hand in his. I was a bit off because of all of the flying, so that's why I'm allowing him to hold my hand.

If you have to explain yourself to yourself, you're only lying to who? Yourself!

I fucking hate my subconscious, I swear.

I draped my arm over my forehead to keep the sun out of my eyes. It was hot as hell, but Antonio still had on that black shirt and jeans.

We walk to the limo near the jet and he opens the door for me. Fernando and Dom are already inside, but are sitting on opposite sides of the limo. Dom has her eyes low, while Fernando looks close to tears.

I raise my eyebrows, but say nothing as I sit next to Dom. Antonio sits next to Fernando and begin to whisper to each other in Italian as the limo begins to move.

Dom looks up and at me. "Did you know?" She whispers. "About the whole mafia thing?" I nodded my head.

"Before we were back on the jet, I grilled it out of Antonio." She looked back down at her bare nails. She usually tore off her acrylics whenever her nerves got bad. "How do you feel about it all?"

Dom shrugged. "I don't know." She sighed heavily, then looked at me. "I know you're gonna think I'm crazy, but I really like Fernando. Even if he did kidnap me, he's treated me so much better than Wyatt and Calvin ever did."

Wyatt and Calvin are two bumass niggas who played Dom a while back. Wyatt dated her for a short time because he used to beat the fuck out of her and I convinced her to leave his dusty ass. Calvin came along not too long after and pretended to be in love with her for almost a year. He showed his true colors when he recorded them fuckin and showed it to his cousin, Wyatt (the first bumass nigga). Turns out, Wyatt convinced his cousin to do that just to humiliate her.

Dom didn't want to press charges or anything because, at the time, she just wanted it to be over.

"I'm just scared, Phay," she continued. "He told me about how his ex-wife was murdered because of all of this shit, and I don't want to die just for being with him." I nodded. "I don't know if I should even try to be with him."

"To be honest," I sighed. "I'm probably the last person you think would say this, but I think you should give it a chance. I don't know if Fernando told you this, but they risked their lives and their family's lives just to have us. While it is completely insane, Fernando believes that you are worth risking everything for." A small smile grew on her face. "And I know yo ass like the attention." She full out laughed this time, gaining the attention of Antonio and Fernando.

I could see Fernando's eyes light up a little knowing that Dom wasn't as upset as before.

"Now you know if that's the case, Antonio did the same for you." I rolled my eyes. "C'mon now. Stop being boujee and accept the fact that you might not hate him as much as you think you do." I side-eyed her, then closed my eyes.

"I'm taking a nap." I moved to put my head on Dom's lap and she giggles at me. "Wake me up when we get there."

(Spongebob Voice) --2 HOURS LATER--

I felt a hand gently shake my shoulder.

"Bitch, you gotta see this," I heard Dom say as she shook me harder.

The Mafia Man Loves Me (Interracial) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now