Chapter 1

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Sorry for grammatical errors, English isn't my first language, not even 2nd language, it's my third...

Hermione was in the muggle world checking if she has everything before entering platform 9 3/4. Fourth year of Hogwarts was about to began. When she checked everything, she entered the platform, and saw how her train took off.

She was shook, she didn't know what to do, she couldn't be late, she checked the time on her watch, it said that she still had 20 mins before the train was supposed to took off, she was confused. Until she saw clock on the station, SHE SLEPT IN!!!!

She! Hermione Jean Granger! The prefect student! Always gets straight O! She couldn't believe it!

Luckily, or sadly, Fred and George were late too, they didn't sleep at the burrow, they slept over at their grandma's.

Hermione saw them, and walked over to them, they saw her and had a sparkle in their eyes, they new exactly what to do!

When Hermione approached them, they asked her if she slept in, she blushed she still couldn't believe that SHE slept it!
"Hermione Jean Granger, you are now late!" Said Fred mockingly being sarcastic. And both of the twins shook their heads.
"For your information, my watch are broken!" Said Hermione salty.
" So How do we get out?" Asked George.
" how about.... how about... HOW ABOUT WE USE THE CAR!" Said Fred all exited.
" The car?" Asked Hermione not knowing what was about to happen.
" YEAH YEAH YEAH THE CAR!" Said George totally ignoring Hermione.
" Follow us!!!!" Both of the twins screamed running.

Fred and George ran to the fire place in the near by store, and waited for Hermione to catch up with all her heavy books, after she entered, they all said the name of their house and teleported there.

They appeared in the living room, where Molly was seating casually drinking tea. She almost screamed when she saw them out of their unexpected appearance. She was about to scream at them, that their weren't on the train, until she saw Hermione.
"What are you guys doing here" Said Molly trying to sound calm, and not angry.
" we slept in" Said all 3 at the same time.
" YOU WHAT?!" Screamed Molly, that couldn't hold the temper.
All of them looked down, being really embarrassed, especially Hermione.
"Ok I'll let you guys burrow the car, under one circumstance if you guys will send it straight back, after you arrived" Said Molly.
Fred and George were relieved that they didn't need to beg for the car, and happy that they are going without supervision.
" THANK YOU SO MUCH" Said Hermione happily.
" thanks mom" Said Fred and George at the same time.

This means time skip
This means- thoughts of someone

In the car

"This is going to be fun!" Said Fred
" yes it is" Said George.
Both of them smirked. Hermione thought about the first time, she met them, how cute they were, how they first hugged her, she had a crush on both of them, and when her puberty hit, her breast got bigger, and she tried everything for them to notice her, then just a friend, but everything was useless, or at least that what she thought.
Fred was in front driving, while George was giving good company to Hermione. All three were playing truth or dare. One of the dares was for Fred to kiss Hermione, first on the forehead, then on her cheeks, and later on the lips. George was really thankful that Fred dared him to do it, and Hermione wasn't complaining. They were so into the game that Fred didn't notice that gas was low, and they landed right in the middle of the forest, on a little hill, near the train tracks.
"What's going on" Asked Hermione worriedly.
"Ummmm, a thing is, it's just, has no gas" Said Fred embarrassed.
" Actually we will not get expelled, but we will get detention" Said George trying to confront Hermione.
" DETNTION?! DETENTION?!" Screamed Hermione.
While George was trying to confront Hermione, but only made the matter worse, Fred was talking someone on the phone.
" Don't worry, I gave a call they'll be here in about 5 hours" Said Fred, trying to sound happy
"5 HOURS?!" Said Hermione panicking even more.
" they said from 5-7 hours, or they'll come tomorrow, depends"
Hermione Screamed, panicked and ran out of the car, trying to ran to Hogwarts herself, while the twins were chasing her.
"Maybe let her go, she'll get to Hogwarts maybe in a day or two" Said George while laughing at his own joke, and high-fives Fred.
Hermione was soon out of breath.


The trio made their way to the car. Where they continued playing, but cards. The rule the loser takes off, something the winner tells him/her to do. At first Hermione was winning, and George and Fred sat in their underwear, and she only took of her shirt. And was sitting in tank top and sweat pants. Then somehow Fred and George started wining, at first Hermione found herself in her bra, and panties. Fred and George were smirking
" how about we play Truth Or Dare is Ted again?" Said Fred having a mischievous smile on his face.
" yes!" Said George with the same smile.
Hermione was like zoned out she didn't know what was she doing, but she found herself, kissing naked with Fred and George, while George was putting on his condom. Hermione wasn't complaining. Then a phone rang, George answered it, and then said trying to hide his happiness, that the help wouldn't arrive till Wednesday, and it was Sunday.
Hermione was angry, scared, but tried not to show it, and passionately kissed George.

Thank you guys for reading I'll try to post regularly or so, with no less than thousand words a chapter. Again maximum of 5))))).
Also vote, if I should do 1500 words a chapter)
But no more than 1700, or I'll die.
Let's do it this way
Team A- 1000 words a chapter
Team B- 1500- words a chapter
Team C- 1700 words a chapter
Team D- 1000-1700 words a chapter
Team E- 1500-1700
Write the letter in the comments, and also in want, ( ik a lot to choose from lol)

Thank you guys. Love, good bye!

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