Chapter 3. a Noble, an Assassin, and a Pirate

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It has been 3 days since I came to this town and settled in. I have earned a bit of money doing jobs here and there. Two days till the ball.

I walk out onto the balcony grab the roof edge that goes over the balcony and flip up to the roof. I stand looking over the slums and sigh.

I'm so glad I'm not originally from this time era.

I run to a nearby bar which happens to be the most biggest and most popular bar in this town.

It's my fist time drinking in this girls body. I hope she can hold her liqueur. I also hope there rum is not that bad.

I slide down a pole and land in an alley right beside the bar. I pull over my hood and pull my scarf over my nose and mouth. I step out into the street and make my way to the door.

I grab the handle and open it. I take a few steps in and the bar gets quiet. I get strange looks from the men and a few of the waitresses.

Was it that weird that a woman is dress like a mercenary?

There were some guards at the back right table from the door and seems like there is a noble guy sitting beside that table with some woman trying to swoon him.

I sit down at the bar on one of the bar stools. A few stools over there are two older men, one seems to be drinking a lot and reeks of alcohol.

I pull down my scarf and look at the bartender.

Lark: Give me your most popular drink.

The bartender nods and starts to make the drink. I wait patiently and a foul smell arises from behind me. I turn a slight and feel someone's arms around me.

I look over and see the drunken man who was a few stools down from me rambling about something and his friend started making a fuss as well.

Drunken idiots.

I elbow the guy who had his arms wrapped around me in his side hard. He dropped to the floor clutching his side curled up in a ball. It got quiet all of a sudden and everyone seemed to look my way.

Oh great. More attention. What have I gotten myself into.

The other drunk guy started shouting and got mad that I hit his friend. I turn to look at him not getting out of my seat and once he raises his hand I punch him just below the rib cage and he lost his breath and fell to his knees trying to catch it.

The bartender taps on the table I turn around and slid the money down to him. He counted and nodded pleased. He slid down the drink and I caught it. I raised it up to my mouth and took a long drink. I savored the taste.

Not bad. But of course the alcohol I'm used to is much better.

I set down the glass and feel someone walking towards me. I turn to see a large guard about 6" 5' tower over me.

Guard: My lord wishes to speak with you, if you would be so kind as to follow me please.

Now what do these people want.

I stand and follow him over too the noble and pull up my scarf over my mouth and nose with my hood still on. I sit at the opposite side of the table from the noble. He had a hood and a mask on so I can't see his face.

Noble: I have a job that I think you would be interested in.

Lark: Depends on what the job is.

The Phantom KillerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora