Chapter 4. Masks

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I wake to the sound of my door opening.

What the hell is this?

I stay silent and still, pretending like I'm asleep, but I grip my knife that is tangled in the covers. I feel someone's gaze over me and hear them take something from their pocket.

It smells metallic, they just sharpened it.

They raise their arms up taking in a quiet deep breath. As he slings his arm down to drive the knife in my stomach I roll to the ground quickly getting behind him and holding the knife to his neck.

Lark: Who are you and why do you want to kill me?

He drops his knife to the ground and I watch it fall loosening my grip. He flings me over his head against the wall and jumps out the window.

I get to my feet, stumble then chase after jumping to the roof through the window.

I look around and he is gone.

What was that?! He was definitely not playing around. I have not made any real enemies since I got here. Who could of wanted to kill me?

I go back to my room and shut the door locking it good and push my dresser up against it.

Lock must be rusty and old.

I open my dresser and grab my clothes and put on my cloak. I go out the window, to the roof, and down in the alley.

I go to the bar, enter and make a left. I walk up to the bulletin board as the room goes dead knowing my presence.

Lark Viveca Clermont.
Wanted dead or alive. Anyone who succeeds, gets a prize of 30 gold.

Then there is a picture of Lark from last years portraits.

I grab the paper and rip it off the bulletin board stick it in my pocket and leave the bar.

Well if it's like this father, this is going to be fun...

I go to the dress shop that I went to the first time around and it was filled with woman. All looking at the dresses and fine gowns.

One sticks out to me. It reminded me of the dress I saw in my moms pictures. It was her favorite, she loved it.

I take it and go up to one of the sales workers and take of my hood.

Lark: How much?

Store worker: Ten gold please.

Damn, that much...

I place the gold in her hand and left with the dress.

I then went to the market, where they sell headpieces, furniture, antiques, and lots of food.

I purchase a headpiece made with fake diamonds but look very real, only I knew they were real though. They don't have many fake jewel in this time period like they do in the 21 century. I also bought a simple blue mask that matches the dress I bought earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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