Filthy Thoughts

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I hold back chuckles looking down at the snoring cowboy spread out across one of the sofas in the lounge, I cover my mouth blocking the noise as I sneak over to the chair facing the sofa he was on. 'How can he be handsome,cute and sexy all at the same time even when he's sleeping'. I think smiling, I freeze for a second as he reaches up to scratch his face before his arm drops down into a new postion. 'This would be a cute picture'. I swear a lightblub popped up above my head, I pull out my phone and snap a few photos of the sleeping cowboy from a few angles a drawing plan in the future I was tempted to just sit here and draw him right now but I feared he would wake up and spot me or another member of Overwatch walking in and seeing me.

I stay for a few moments more before leaving to make sure I wasn't spotted basically stalking him, I hum slightly to myself as I make my way back to my room forming a plan of what angle I wanted to use as I flip through the pictures, I slide into my room and toss my phone onto my bed well I dig out my sketchbook and other drawing supplies.

"What's this?". I freeze with wide eyes before slowing turning to see Mercy sitting on my bed...holding my phone.

"Well's nothing". I snatch my phone back. "Why are you in my room?". I shift my weight around as I look at her embarrassment clearly written on my face.

"I wanted to see how your knee was doing". She stands up straightening her shirt. "Sorry to intrude". I nod.

"Its fine...both knee and you know". I gesture to my phone that was in my hand.

"Good I was worried about your knee...also". She pauses in the doorframe. "I won't tell". She nods towards my phone before leaving, I sigh in relief before closing and locking my door. I plop down onto my bed and spread out all my drawing supplies across my blankets.


"M-mcCree". I whimper/moan my hands pushing against his strong arms trying to push him away from my neck of which he was assaulting with kisses and hickies, his only response to me trying to push him away was a hum against my neck and of course continuing.

"P-please stop". I hardly manage to get out without letting more noises slip out.

"Why darlin' you an't liking this?". He questions rubbing one of my thighs, I shake my head quickly not trusting my voice anymore. "Hmm I think'ya lying sweetheart". He says quietly into my ear sending shivers down my spine as his hand rubs closer to my womanhood.

"McCree no". I whimper out.


I sit up blinking repeatedly almost jumping when something falls off my face. "W-wha". I look down and see one of the first sketches I drew on my lap crumpled from me laying on it, I move all the drawing supplies away from me before scooting off my bed pulling my blankets around a bit as I do so. I sigh and stumble into my bathroom, I lean against the counter as I listen to the bathtub fill with water. 'Five damn nights in a row...I have a problem'. I rub my hand across my face before undressing and slipping into the bath, I almost got carried away into my filthy thoughts again but was able to pull myself out with the fear of drowning and luckily made it safely through the bath.

I sigh to myself as I dry my hair. 'I can't keep thinking like this I'm going to get myself killed someday'

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