Sugar Skull

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(First off super fucking sorry for never updating lol, anyway let's get to this).

I glance at Mccree as I lay in bed, it was early in the mourning and he had just got out of the shower, he currently only had a dark blue towel loosely hanging from his waist. 'fucking hell', I squeeze my legs together as I watch him dig through his bag looking for clothes, I force myself to sit up which he shockingly didn't notice. "What ya looking for?". I question hugging the blankets to my chest.

"Ah my blue and black plaid shirt". He mumbles his back to me, I bite my lip looking down at what I was wearing.

"Oh...wonder where it is~". I lay down pulling the blanket over me, he looks over his shoulder before turning fully to me.

"Yeah me to darlin'". He looks at me with eyes that just said the jig was up. "Maybe it's over here~". He says walking up to my bed, I curl up and move back from the side he was approaching, he smirks and moves to reach out to me but I move to far back and fall onto the floor.

"Owwww". I untangle myself and sit on my knees rubbing my butt.

"Huh that shirt looks familiar". He hums leaning over me.

"Um....I....". I yank his towel off and make a run outside the room almost wishing I stopped to take a look but I knew better he'd catch me really quickly if I did that. I hear yelling behind and glance back to see McCree boxer clad and running down the long hall after me, I quickly dash into a closing elevator and sigh giggling slightly.

"Boyfriends clothes?". I hear and turn to my right to see a tan girl with an awesome haircut standing there.

I chuckle nodding. "Yeah he's runnin' after me". She smirks.

"Good luck". She winks before she suddenly disappeared, the elevator stops suddenly making me fall again.

"The fuck". I hiss standing up I look to the operation pad and see a purple sugar skull in place of the controls, I huff. "Lovely". I look around the elevator looking for anyway out but the top hatch also had a tech lock, I slide down the wall. 'guess it's a waiting game'.

I sat for a while just in my thoughts...mostly thoughts of him, I was suddenly broke away from them to the elevator suddenly dropping down very quickly for a moment before it went to normal speed. I stand up pulling my clothes into place, it reaches the ground floor and it opens to show a still boxer clad Mccree standing there, he pulls me into a hug.

"Thank God, I thought yur where stuck for'good". He sighs and gives me a last squeeze before letting me go. "Lets go back to the room...This time with the stairs". I laugh nodding in agreement.


"Fuck". McCree mutters once we enter the room.

"76 is gonna kill us". I mumble surveying the wrecked room in front of us.

McSexy {McCree x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now