Chapter 2: Whispers Can't Be Carried in the Wind

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Tonight I lay in bed on my way to sleep. On my back, my ceiling fan spinning in slow motion in my eyes.I sense a presense and i don't move, expecting it to be one of my parents to check up on me. Then I remembered, they're out for the night. Still I don't move. Then I hear tapping and feel a storng gust of wind the wasn't from my fan. Slowly, my head turns to the right. I see a shadowy figure. It's reaching to me as an invitation. For the first time in forever, curiosity is tugging at my brain. I sit up and adjust my nightgown. Walking to the shadowy figure, I pick up my backpack. it has all of my art supplies and poetry. 

I took the shadows hand and he gently guided me out of the window. He wrapped an arm around me waist and we went high into the sky. I barely felt the strong wind brushing through me. He didn't say anything to me. He only looked forward. I followed his gaze. We were headed towards the stars. Two of them shined brightly. One shinged more than the other, the second star. That's where he was directing us. My subconscious noted the beauty of the stars but my heart felt something new....peace.


I closed my eyes for the rest of the trip, but made sure to not fall asleep. As soon as my feet touched sand, my eyes flew open. The shadowy figure landed me gently on the beach and was staring at me. I didn't know what I wanted so I gave it a short nod and went off walking around the beach. It wwasn't nighttime. Either sunrise or sunset. The forest the beach was surrounding sounded lively. I could hear birds and animals I've never heard before. I walked around the beach till I came upon and area of the forest where no sound was coming from. This area sounded more promising.

Carefully, I took my first step into the forest. Looking around, I saw nothing suspiscious. So I walked on. Without the slightest idea of where I was headed, I took each step carefully. Stepping on my twigs or leaves. I came upon a waterfall. 

Before I stepped out of the busshes that surrounded it, I observed the scene carefully. The waterfall was a good height, about 40 ft. After a few minutes of observing I decided to get a sip of the water. But then, just as I was coming silently out, a boy came out the the bushes and sat at thewaters edge. He didn't notice me or sense me. Standing still, I watched this boy. He was sitting and obviously deep in thought. He wore a green patchy green tunic and green pants. I have to say, that really brought out the green in his eyes. I could see the color of his eyes from the bushes and he wasn't even looking in my direction.

Something told me I should feel something right now. But I surpressed the thought and watched him a little longer. When it seemed apparent that he wasn't going to leave anytime soon, I made a choice. My throat was dry and I can't keep waiting, it's getting darker out here. I was more silent than a ghost steeping out of thoose bushes. He didn't look up at me. The bushes made no sound as I came completely through it. Taking each stepp carefully again, I went to the waters edge opposite from him.  Sitting on my knees silently I brought my cupped hand into the water. It rippled three times when I took my hand out with the water. My lips absorded the water and let it slip down my throat. Once everydrop was down, I glanced at the boy. He still hasn't seen me. But I can see the faint ripples close to him. He looked at the ripples and I stood up slowly in case I needed to run. Looking at the water closest to me, he saw my reflection. His head snapped up in shock. 

I took one step back as we made full on eye contact. My face gave no emotion. He stared at me for a slpit second before asking,

"Did shadow bring you here?" I noted his british accent. Not breaking eye contact, I nodded.

"You don't know where you are do you?" He said with a cockiness on the edge. Breaking eye contact, I looked around again. The only thing that clicked was a small flicker of a memory from my dream of being on some island. But still, I didn't know where I was then nor now. So I shook my head. Still smiling he said,

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