Chapter 5: Quiet Wounds That Won't Heal

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Lilith's P-O-V

I just knew it. Whenever I told Felix things about me and they'd mysteriously show up, of course I was suspicious. First, the food. Then, the dress in my favorite color. Peter told me himself that he made it as a gift. He gave himself away. Over the last two months, I just knew he was watching me. He had Felix pretend to be my friend to get information about me. That hurts, I'll admit it. It was always in the back of my mind though. I tried to brush it off as it only being because I'm new here. But after today...I couldn't have been more wrong. I started getting worried, scared even. I don't want anybody feeling anything for me that way. My heart can't bare to feel anything good that strong.

When I kissed Peter, I hoped he wouldn't kiss me back. I hoped he'd push me off and tell me he didn't feel anything. Instead, he kissed me back and held onto me. Not only did we kiss, but I felt something. My plan backfired. I felt fireworks and I couldn't deny it. With no other choice I broke the kiss and once Peter let me go, I ran and went into the trees.

Never even looked back. How could I be so stupid? Kissing him only made this situation worse. Not only does he have feelings for me, he thinks I do too. After all, I was the one who kissed him. It was a great kiss but I can't dwell on it. I can't feel anything about it. If I could take it back I would. I need to get a grip. Now, I'm pacing in my home. I live in a deep cave on a rocky mountain close to the cliffs.

I can still feel Peter's soft hands on hips, his warm lips on mine. JEEZ! I need to stop. No, no, no. I couldn't have enjoyed that kiss. I can't feel anything for Peter. I don't want to be like those girls he's been with; therefore, I can't be with him. He's even admitted to me that he's been with most of the girls that's come to his island. They either get killed by something here or end up going back to their world. I'm willing to bet he's killed a few though. I've seen him mad. He loses control when he's mad. Throwing things with his powers and almost hitting me or the boys.

What can I do? He's gonna be mad. He's gonna think I was playing with him and messing with his emotions. That wasn't my intention. He's gonna hate me and maybe even throw me out of camp. My heart aches at the thought. I've grown attached to the boys. But I guess they're used to girls not lasting long with them.

Peter needs to know I can't feel anything for him. Whether I want to or not? I'm not in control of what happens to me anymore. They're coming back. Everything I've fought to surpress and control. He doesn't know why it's important for me to not feel anything. He doesn't know what happens when I feel good things. Strong, good things.


I took my time walking back to camp. My thoughts thinking about the kiss and Lilith's behavior before it. She was scared. Scared of me. I wasn't over the great feelings from the kiss but my mind was clearing from the dreamy haze. What was she exactly scared of? Was she scared that I didn't feel anything for her? But what scared me was...what if she was scared that I did feel something for her?

She's so different from the previous ones. She doesn't resent me or flaunt herself at me. Lilith is perfectly neutral. That's partially what makes me want her. But she kissed me. I know she felt the fireworks too though. I just know it. She can deny it all she wants but I know that kiss lasted a good minute or two. Why would she deny it? Lilith is very honest. This girl isn't afraid to tell it to you straight on. Then again, she was scared before she kissed me. I wonder how she feels now. I've even admitted to myself that I'm falling for her.

Felix hunted for our meat today and he got a medium sized goat and a few rabbits. I was helping him cook the meat while I discussed what happened with Lilith with him.

"I think she got suspicious of your behavior." Felix stated.

"So you think that's why she offered for me to talk with her?"

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