Chapter 4: What We Want We Can't Have

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Peter Pan's P-O-V

Lilith's hunting has me suspicious but I trust her. She may be having assistance with her hunting but I don't care. This girl is bring out an even between leader in me. I even made her a present. I made a dress for her to wear once her nightgown got too torn up.

She's even shown more emotions. But she doesn't speak to me as much as she does with Felix. That does unnerve me a bit but I trust Felix. I directed him to tell me everything she tells him so that I can know more about her. It was selfish of me but I'm...I just need to know her.

It's been almost two months since she arrived and I have not gotten far with her. She needs to know I'm here for her She needs to know that she can talk to me.

*******************Felix's P-O-V

Pan has been seriously wrecked by Lilith's arrival. Her presence alone makes him act strangely. But he hides it well from the boys, I know better. He talked me into telling him what Lilith expresses about herself. I haven't gotten much from her. She's no open book. 

I even find myself drawn to her, just not the same way as Pan is. She reminds me of a sister I once had. Lilith allows me to lend her a helping hand even when she doesn't need it. The only information I've gotten about her is her favorite colors, food, and animals. Pan has used this to his advantage. He made her a dress in one of her favorite colors; black. He's even had our dinners her favorite meals a few times. Pan tries to keep his knowledge of her favorite things to a basic status. 

"Felix?" a small voice says my name and I turn around to see Lilith with a blank look on her face.

"Lilith, sorry I zoned out. What were you saying?"

"I was Peter alright? He doesn't seem himself." Her tone was faintly concerned.

"I don't know. He doesn't talk about himself or his personal stuff." Lilith nodded and got a thoughtful look on her face. It took her a second, but she replied,

"Tell him...tell Peter...that if he needs to talk to anyone...he can talk to me. I don't speak much as it is and I don't spill any secrets."

My eyes were wide. Lilith's sudden demonstration of affection shocked me. Pan will be pleased with this progress.

"I'll be sure to tell him don't worry."

Lilith gave another small nod and zoned out into her own personal thoughts. She walked off towards who knows where. She doesn't even live in camp with us. Says that she found a private place that can't be easily ambushed. Pan agreed but Lilith never showed anyone where it was. We all notice how she likes to keep things confidential. 

I steadily made my way to Pan's tent. He was bent over his desk and thinking deeply. I know he doesn't like to be disturbed during his thinking periods but he needs to know this.

"Pan." I say loudly. He looks at me sharply and agitation is immediately on his face.

"This better be important Felix."

"It is. Lilith and I were chatting and she told me something..." I paused for dramatic affect. Peter automatically looked curious at the sound of Lilith's name.

"Tell me."

"She's concerned about you. Your behavior more so. She told me to tell you that, you can talk to her anytime if anything's on your mind. I'd take the offer and find something to talk to her about fast."

Pan looked happy, sincerely happy. He got up from his desk and started pacing in excitement. Then he stopped and looked at me with a question,

"Where is she?"

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