Chapter 7: Love Me, Love Me Not, Please Love Me

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Lilith's P-O-V: Telling Felix About Her Brother

"When I was 14 years old, my brother and I were in deep trouble. We were in search of our unknown grandfather on our father's side. Our father didn't like that. He forbid us from proceeding our search. But we felt so close. Eventually, we gave up and focused back on our lives. 

We were dancers. He was my dance partner. We posted our dance videos online and we got a lot of attention from them. Soon we started doing bigger things, like covers of songs. Everything was going so well for us and we forgot all about our search for our grandfather. Until, one night, my twin and I were roaming the city. We felt like we were being watched so we tried to lose whoever it was by going around endlessly through the city. It was chilly so I wore a coat and gloves. Our car wasn't even available that night, we didn't even have our phones with us. Then a group of 5 guys pursued us. More so me. My brother tried to get them to leave us alone but they ignored him.

At first, they were all talk. Then they started trying to touch me. My brother pushed them away from me and they began to beat him up. I got into the fight as well. We were winning, that was until someone pulled out a gun. The others in the group began trying to calm him down. They didn't want anyone getting killed. The guy refused and waved the gun around. He aimed at me and my brother. Back and forth, trying to decide who to shoot first. His friends started ditching, but he threatened to shoot them too.

He finally settled his aim on my twin. I ran to him and stood in front of him as the shot was fired. But my brother tried to push me out of the way. I was hit. He then aimed at my brother and before I could get up to protect him, he shot my twin in the chest. I screamed so loud that the guy with the gun had to cover his ears. My heart broke completely into pieces. My brother lay beside me, still breathing but barely. I was crying and begging him to stay with me. Then I heard shouts and cries of pain. I turned slightly to see two guys fighting off our attackers. My eyes saw the gun only a few feet from my brother and I. He must've know what I was thinking. He told me,

"Don't do it Lilith. I'll be fine. Just stay here."

All I wanted was revenge for my brother. I looked him in the eyes and gave him a hug that I was sure would be my last. My last words to him was,

"I love you Gabriel. I'll always love my twin."

I got up and grabbed that gun. My gloved hand aimed at the shooter. I walked close up to the guy who shot my brother and I. He was trying to help get the guys who stopped him off of his friends. He turned to me in confusion and shock. The hate in my eyes was all he saw as I aimed at his forehead and shot without blinking or hesitation. I saw the bullet go straight between his eyebrows. 

The gun was slipping from my hands as I went back to Gabriel. He looked at me in a sad anger. Gabriel was shaking now, going into shock. I raced to him and held him as I began to shake too. When I no longer held the strength to hold him, I laying on the concrete and felt myself drifting from everything. Just as I thought the light of my life was about to go out, I sharp heavenly pain rang through every fiber of my being. I wanted to scream. It hurt and felt good at the same time. I no longer felt like I was dying. 

Two men were standing over my brother and I. I couldn't see Gabriel, but I knew he was there. One of the men squatted down to me and said,

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