1: "Name's Aella."

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"Don't you EVER touch me again."

The girl scowled down at the man as she spat on his body. Others observe her as she wiped her lip. She spun around and walk towards the people. They smirked as they moved and they let her pass before following her.

That is Aella Whine. The cruel, heartless bitch who controls the streets of Kingston, Massachusetts.

She continued to walk down the street with the people from the alleyway. One by one they went their own way as it soon only her left. It was becoming late and she must get home. To him.

It didn't take her long to get to the building. She wasn't thrilled about it but she was fine with calling one of the small little studios hers. She walked up the stairs to the front door of the building and opened it. She glanced up the flights of stairs. She proceeded her way up the stairs until she made it to the third floor.

When she got to her door and opened it, she smiled softly at the scene that was before her. She walked in and closed the door behind her, securing it. She moved over to the sofa and picked up the tiny boy who rested on the couch, asleep. She took him to his bedroom and laid him on his bed.

She covered him up and went to walk out of the bedroom. "Ael?" She turned around to notice him sitting up.

"Lowell." He held his arms out to her as she went over to him. She sat down and he hugged her moving so he was resting on her lap. She placed her chin on his head. "What time did you fall asleep." "Around 11." "Low, that was 4 hours ago. You don't have to wait up on me." "I remember but I'm constantly terrified you won't come back."

She sighed before leaning back on the bed so they both were laying down. Lowell's breathing decreased as he fell back asleep. Aella sighed as she stared up at his ceiling before closing her eyes.

She won't let that to him again. Ever.


"Did you know that it is rared for a kid my age to be in an upgraded?" Lowell sat in the bar seat in front of the island as Aella cooked. "How rare?" "About 1 out of 900 students." "See and that is why I let you take care of the money." He laughed at his older sister and looked down at his book, reading it.

After she finished making them breakfast, she set his plate on the counter. He looked down at it then continue to read. She sighed, grabbed his book and tossed it onto the couch. "Aella!" "Eat." She pointed the plate and he sighed before beginning to eat. She sat down and begin to eat herself.

She finished before him and stood up to take her plate to the sink. "Hurry up. I got to take you to school." Lowell looked at her before finishing his food. He put it in the sink before running to his room. She sat down on the couch after grabbing her boots and started to put them on. Lowell came out of his room in his uniform for school and slipped on his shoes. He grabbed his backpack and stood at the door. "Come on Ael." She smiled before grabbing his book and her bag, that had her wallet, money for him, her keys, and her phone. She handed him his book and opened the door. He went out the door and she followed him. She locked the door after looking at him and he showed her his keychain with his key. Nodding, the two started down the stairs and went outside.

When they finally made it to his school she opened her bag and handed him his money for lunch. She kissed the top of his head and he shook his head, but with a smile. He jogged to the school to get caught up with his friends. She smiled and turned around and started back down the sidewalk again.

She didn't know where she was going until she ended up walking into a little coffee shop. A girl with white hair sat in a corner of the shop with a book sitting on the table, writing something into it.

Aella moved over to the counter and quickly ordered a coffee. She stood off to the side as they made her drink. She looked around and saw that the girl from earlier that sat in the corner was looking up at her then back down. That is when she noticed that she was drawing, not writing.

She grinned before grabbing her drink, having paid for it before getting it and made her way over to the girl. She knew that the girl saw her coming. She placed her arms slowly over the book as Aella sat down.

She looked at the girl before taking a sip of her drink. "I know people watching is a thing but when they catch you, you usually don't continue to stare at them."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Aella set her cup down and lean over taking the book from out under the girl's arms, showing a drawing of herself. She looked at it before looking at the girl before, whose face was tinted red, from embarrassment or anger, that was unknown.

The unknown girl snatched the book from her hands. "I don't people watch. I draw them." Aella sat back and took a sip of her coffee again, looking at her. "Ok, what do you want?" "Nothing." "So you are just gonna stare me down?" "I'm people watching." Aella grinned at the girl as she continued to look at her.

The girl grabbed her stuff and started to put it up. She stood up and walked passed Aella before she grabbed her wrist. "Hey let go." "Name's Aella. You might need it one day." "Yeah sure. Whatever." The girl pulled her wrist away from Aella and left the shop.

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