3: Past Self and Now.

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The next morning, Lowell found Aella on the couch with all the equipment for her job. He was told never to look at what she had pulled up, in exchange that she didn't pry about his friends at school.

That was their deal.

He sat beside her, after closing and moving her laptop and other stuff. He turned on the TV and laid his head on her shoulder. She moved so he could get comfortable better. He soon fell asleep on her.


It was 11:06 am when Aella woke up and saw Lowell. She smiles softly before moving so he could lay down on the couch. She stood up and stretched, before walking over to the little kitchen area and started to make something for them for breakfast.

She needs to go grocery shopping soon. They were getting low on food. As she cooked, she made a list on a piece of paper.

She got a texted on her phone that sat beside Lowell on the coffee table. She quickly finished making the food and went over to him, picking up her phone. She opened it, reading the text messages she got.

A soft grin laced her lips as she went back to the kitchen area and made their plates.

Lowell stirred from his sleep as she moved his plate on the coffee table in front of him. He opened his eyes and looked at the plate then at her. The grin left her lips and a smile replaced it as she sat down, beginning to eat.

"We got to go grocery shopping later." He nodded as he started to eat his food slowly.


The two didn't have anything planned for the day so after they went shopping, the hung out in the living room. Watching TV and playing video games is what they mostly did.

Aella loved when she could do this. Forget her 'job' and spend time with her brother. She knew that she was going to have to go out tonight. She has to keep a reputation. Plus there are people that own her money, but for now.

It was her and Lowell time.


After making sure Lowell was in his bed and not planning on staying up waiting on her, Aella got ready to go out. She made sure that her pocket knife sat in her leather jacket pocket as she slid the gun into the back of her jeans. Her jacket covers it up. She looks down at her clothes before slipping her necklace under her shirt collar. A heavy breath left her lips as she made her way to the door. She opened it and walked through. She made sure she had what she needed before locking it and leaving. 

The call rang and rang until the voicemail finally answered before Arabella hung up. She sighed as she stared out the window of the apartment. It was a bit up in the sky but it had a beautiful view that she loved but right now, the veiw couldn't change her mood at all.

She didn't know what to expect to say if they did pick up. She hadn't talked to her parents in years. The last time was at her grandmother's funeral. "Ara you need to stop sitting in your thoughts dear. My daughter and son-in-law will get over themselves." She looked back at the older man that she lived with. Her grandfather was the only person in her family that accepted her.

Even though he didn't really understand in the beginning, he did now. He was the one who payed from all her surgeries. "Go out and have some fun." "Who said I wasn't having fun Pops? I'm doing my thing! People watching." He slowly walked over to were she was and sat down beside her. "Ok. What are our subjects tonight my dear." She looked around towards the ground before pointing down to a couple of girls walking. "Eh to bright." Arabella laughed at her grandfather's playfullness. He was trying to bring her out of her slump that his kids caused.

He had watched all his children avoid their niece and daughter like she was a plague. It was upsetting to say the least. He had raised the poor girl since she was 12. When they wanted to become a girl. Her grandmother was alive at the time. It was her idea to take Ara in when her daughter had called and tried to find a way to 'fix her son's problem.' Those works still boiled the 78 year olds blood when he thinks about it.

He watched Arabella as she sat there in the window, looking out onto the streets. He picked up Arabella's bag and set it in the between the two. Arabella watched him from the corner of her eye as she continued to look out. He pulled out her sketchbook and opened it. Arabella now turned her full attention to him as he flipped through it. He slowly came to the last page that she drew on.

"Who's this?"

Arabella moved slightly. "It's a girl I met at the coffee shop." "Is this the one that brings you back here, flustered?" She huffed before looking out the window as her grandfather laughed at her. "I'm only teasing." He continued to look at the drawing. "Your skills are improving." "Thanks." He nodded before handing Arabella back her sketchbook.

"And yes it is." "I know it is. What's her name?" "Aella and I don't know her last name." "Very unique."

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