4: Leo

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A loud, noisy club wasn't really Arabella's style. But her friend had promised that they would make sure she had fun. Right before their boyfriend bought them another drink and then lead them to the dance floor. Arabella acted like she didn't mind, but she did. She felt out of place and like everyone was staring at her.

As she shot a text to Tessa, Arabella made her way past all the sweaty body pushing against each other to the door that kept her from going outside. She pushed the door open and walked out. She just needed fresh air. Then she would go back into the club and tolerate the loud music for a bit longer. 

The cool brick wall that Ara pressed her back to help cool her off. She looked down the alleyway that she stood at one of the entrances. She could see people walking back and forth from the other side. If she listens carefully, she could hear the ocean. That's why she loved it here, even if she has only been here for a couple months now.

Other club-goers past Arabella as she slowly pushed herself off the wall. She fixed her dress slightly before sighing and going around the corner. Before she could actually really move, she ran into someone else chest. She gripped whatever she could so she wouldn't fall. The person she ran into grabbed her arms.

"You ok doll?" She looked up to see a man with most of his brown hair shaved off. "Yeah. You just scared me." She laughed slightly before moving her fingers from the rough leather jacket. The man slowly let his fingers fall from her arms. "Are you going inside here?"

He points to the club that Arabella had left earlier. "Yeah. My friend invited me to come in with her but I need to step out." He nodded. "You don't really look like a girl who would go to a club." "To be honest, I'm not but my friend promises me a good time then left me to dance."

The man smiled at her. "Well, will you let me show you a good time? We can start with a drink if you like." Arabella smiled. "I don't even know your name and you are already offering to buy me a drink." He scratches the back of his head. "I'm Leo."


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