Chapter Fourteen

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Wow look who's finally back. Sorry about not updating I got sick and couldn't exactly think strait. I still am sick but I'm getting slightly better. Sorry if the chapter sucks.

The next morning was horrible. Something I forgot to mention about f/n was that she tends to raid the kitchen for whatever food there is, and if there's nothing, she wakes everyone up. I could hear her screaming at my door while I lied there with my pillow over my ears. After about 5 minutes I gave up.
"There's no food"
I was about ready to murder her at this point.
"Why are you telling me? Inks the one who can travel through the multiverse."
I heard a smack of f/n facepalming before she ran off to bother ink. I sighed, relieved, and turned over to go back to sleep. Before I could, however, there was a fwip and ink was in my room. He looked somewhat annoyed.
"Good... morning?"
"Why is f/n screaming about food"
"She does that. Just give her this." I reached into my bag and retrieved a couple granola bars, handing them to ink. He took them and teleported out. I let out another sigh of relief.
After about 5 minutes of trying to sleep I just gave up and got dressed. I was wearing a simple f/c sweater with jeans and f/s (favorite shoes). Literally the second I walked out, f/n was right there. I looked over at her
"Can I help you?"
"What are we doing today?"
I shrugged. In all honesty I was hoping we could stay here and relax, but I didn't know how to tell her that.
"Dunno. Ask ink."
And off she went. I laughed to myself quietly, going into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Wait....

*She is clearly running out of ideas for chapters
Alright guys I need your help on this. Should I
A: end the story now and create a sequel from f/n point of view
B: continue the story with another story line
(If you choose b please give suggestions for the story line)
Thanks for helping me out and see yah next chapter.

Colors Without Shading (Ink X Female Reader) ((UNDER EDITING)))Where stories live. Discover now