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Korosensei burst into the hospital in a disguise,

" What happened to Nagisa?! ",

he yelled, everyone turned and looked at him, some crying and the rest sulking. Mr. Karasuma stepped up to him,

" That's what they're trying to figure out right now... He woke up screaming and bleeding. I believe assassin Takaoka managed to cut Nagisa with a knife coated with some sort of illness... ",

he spoke plainly, but his eyes were soaked with worry. Korosensei grimaced,

" We called the boy's parents, they're on their way now. I suggest you hide from them. ",

Mr. Karasuma suggested. Korosensei looked over at his students and they nodded. No one was really focused on their true goal; kill Korosensei. Even though a place as public and packed would be an excellent place to kill him, no one could bring themselves to lift even a finger. Not until they know Nagisa's condition, which isn't looking too good. They can hear him cry out in pain every two minutes. His screams are actually worrying all of the nurses and doctors in the hospital. So much so, that they have five doctors in the room with Nagisa and seven nurses. 

" Where is my son?! ",

a woman yelled as soon as she entered the waiting room with a man. Korosensei wanted to scream, instead, he practically disappeared from the room and out the window. 

Karma ran up to the couple,

" Mr. and Mrs. Shiota! ",

he called out to them, 

" Karma! Where's Nagisa?! ",

Nagisa's dad asked panicked. Karma looked down,

" they won't let anyone in the room until they figure out what's wrong... ",

a scream rang through the hospital, then eerie silence. Nagisa's parents' eyes went wide, they knew it was their son who had just screamed. The students' expressions went grim. None of them could look at Nagisa's parents, they let Nagisa fight that monster of a man, and they felt it was their fault that Nagisa was in so much pain.

Mrs. Jelavic and Mr. Karasuma walked up to Nagisa's parents and looked them in the eyes,

" I'm sorry... But he isn't doing good at all... He's bleeding badly and he's in immense pain. ",

Mrs. Jelavic said grimly. She felt resentment towards breaking such horrible news to Nagisa's parents, but she couldn't just lie to them and say, "oh, yeah, your son's perfectly fine!" when he just screamed in pain in his hospital bed. Nagisa's parents looked down, and after a few seconds, they were crying. Their son was experiencing a horrible pain and they could do nothing about it. They were utterly defenceless and backed into a corner.

A doctor stepped into the waiting room and looked grimly at everyone in the room,

" I'm afraid to tell you that we still haven't discovered what is going on, but we have figured out how much pain Nagisa is feeling... ",

the doctor took a deep breath and closed his eyes,

" The pain he is feeling equals to all of his bones being broken one by one... We had given him a sleeping needle, we're hoping the pain settles, even in the slightest. ",

He spoke gently, trying not to upset the students, teachers, and parents more than they already are. 

A nurse ran in,

" Dr. Grimmig! He's flatlining! ",

she screamed. Everyone's eyes went wide, those who were crying, stopped, and then cried harder. Karma held back sobs but allowed the tears to stream down his face. His best friend\diehard crush is dying. The last thing Nagisa said to him was "goodnight, Karma... Try not to freak out too much 'kay? ". 

Something clicked inside of Karma's mind, 

' Try not to freak out too much? What does that mean? ',

Karma questioned in his head. To be honest, none of this made sense... One minute Nagisa's perfectly fine, next, he's literally fucking dying. Karma watched as more doctors poured into the waiting room and into the direction of Nagisa's room. 

" Nagisa's really gonna die... ",

Kaede said aloud, choking on her sobs. No one said anything the all just silently agreed, allowing the news to sink in. Nagisa's mom fell to her knees, sobbing loudly and his dad was crying silently, clutching his fists and looking down. Mrs. Jelavic got on her knees and tried to comfort the weeping woman. Mr. Karasuma had a hand on Nagisa's dad's shoulder, which was actually helping the sad man a little. 

After a few minutes, another doctor came in,

" He's stable... I'm going to allow two people in at a time, okay? ",

he said with a smile. Nagisa's mom got up and practically ran to the doctor, eager to see her son and Nagisa's dad did so, as well. The doctor led them to the room Nagisa was staying in.

When they came in, they were greeted by a grim sight. Their son was hooked up to a lifeline, a mask was on his face, tubes were injected into his veins, and he was pale as a ghost. Nagisa's mom broke down again and his dad had to look away. If he didn't he would've done the same as she did. Their baby looked dead, just lying there, motionless. He was still out of 'er from the needle and was asleep. But they were grateful about that, because if he wasn't knocked out, he'd be screaming and sobbing, and just that one scream that they heard was enough to break their hearts into dust. 

Nagisa's dad walked up to his son, now noticing the dried tears on his pale face, the grey-purple bags under his eyes, and scratches and bruises on his face. He took his son's hand and sat in a chair that was pulled up next to his bed. Tears were streaming down his face, and he was whimpering. Nagisa's mom hung back and sobbed, pictures of Nagisa's life playing her mind. It started at infancy and worked it's way up until now. The memories no longer felt lively and happy, they felt unreachable, like something she'll never experience again. Which seemed like how it was going to be for the rest of her days. She was now wishing she had been a better mother, less strict and more loving. Her heart quickly filled with regret and sorrow. 

Korosensei crept into the waiting room,

" I heard he was flatlining... Is he alright? ",

he asked. Everyone nodded,

" his parents are in there with him. ",

Terasaka gruffed. Hinano smacked him on the arm,

" Why aren't you worrying?! ",

she yelled. Terasaka looked at her like he was about to explode,

" I am! I...I just want to be strong so... so everyone feels less worried! ",

he blew up. Everyone was surprised, even though he's an idiot, he can be morally correct about certain things. 

Karma stood in a corner of the room, wallowing in pity and regret. He wished he had stepped up for Nagisa, even if it meant going against Mr. Takaoka. He wished he had been the one to be poisoned instead. He wished Nagisa didn't have to feel the pain he felt. But alas, there is no such thing as a perfect world. He had learned that one the hard way, when Korosensei appeared, and when he was bullied at a young age, when he decided to bully others, and when he caused the separation between him and Nagisa. 

The world is a truly, unforgiving place.

I spelt Korosensei wrong in the first chapter, so sorry about that!



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