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Nagisa was in complete shock, his eyes completely diverted on the gun pointing to his head.

" Let's talk, shall we? ",

the man said with a smile that said, "if you move I'll shoot you". Nagisa nodded and gulped,

" y...yes sir ",

he trembled. Dr Grimming lowered the gun, grabbed Nagisa by the collar of his tank-top and threw him onto one of the chairs in the hospital room. The blow nearly knocked Nagisa and the chair down to the floor, luckily the throw wasn't that hard. Dr Grimmig pulled up a chair and sat in front on Nagisa with his gun pointing at him.

" Now, now, be a dear and tell me about your teachers, you know, Irina Jelavic and Tadomi Karasuma? ",

he said in a cold voice. Nagisa shivered,

" u...unfortunately, I don't know much a...about them... ",

Nagisa's sentence was cut short by Dr Grimmig slapping him and then standing up, proceeding to pick Nagisa up by his throat.

" You're useless, then... ",

he threw Nagisa to the floor,

" I'll just have to find someone else. ",

his voice was a mixture of anger and dead cold emotionless. He pointed his gun at Nagisa and held it there for a moment, soon deciding that he wasn't worth wasting a bullet. He put the gun in his pocket and left the room, left Nagisa laying on the floor, left him with his life flashing before his eyes. Nagisa sat up and stared wide-eyed at the door Dr Grimmig had gone through. His mind was racing to the point where it had gone blank.

' who was he? '

' why did he want information about Mr Karasuma and Mrs Jelavic? ' 

' who does he think he is? '

' why did he have a gun in the first place? '

' what was he expecting from me? to know everything about them? fuck no! '

Nagisa's thoughts were interrupted by two gentle knocks on the door. Nagisa shot up from the ground and watched the door open to reveal his mother and father. He smiled and ran to them, giving them a big hug. 

" Nagisa?! ",

His mom said with wide eyes. 

" You shouldn't be out of bed, honey! ",

she said in a worried tone,

" it's fine, mum, I'm okay. ",

he let go of the hug,

" I'm not dying. "

After Nagisa explained everything about Korosensei, their mission and his assassination. His dad was proud and his mom looked at him in the eyes before slapping him,

" don't pull anything like that again! ",

she said as tears streamed down her face. Nagisa held his cheek and smiled,

" I won't, I promise. "

Karma closed the hotel room door behind him after Nagisa came in first. He grabbed Nagisa by the arm and pinned him to the wall,

" I thought you were going to die... ",

he said with sad eyes. Nagisa frowned,

" I know... I'm sorry... ",

he said with tears beginning to form in his eyes. Karma frowned and gently put his hand on Nagisa's cheek. Nagisa blushed and smiled, putting his hand over-top of Karma's. Karma swooped in and kissed Nagisa passionately, the kiss filled with desperation and longing. 

Karma pressed more of his weight against Nagisa and prevented him from escaping. Karma was just about to reach down and put his arm around Nagisa's waist, but was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Karma pulled away from the kiss and groaned. Nagisa giggled and got out of Karma's imprisonment, answering the door to reveal Mrs Jelavic looking pissed.

" What is it, Mrs Bitch? ",

Karma asked sarcastically. Mrs Jelavic looked as if she wanted to punch Nagisa,

" Did you seriously stage that entire thing?! ",

she yelled. Nagisa nodded, fear coating his eyes.

" Who was involved?! ",

she asked. Nagisa shrunk,

" K...Karasuma... ",

he mumbled. Mrs Jelavic stopped and smiled,

" thank you! ",

she said sweetly before running off. 

Nagisa turned to Karma for answers, severely confused by what just happened. Karma laughed,

" I don't know, either, don't ask me. ",

he said with a smile. 

" I'm gonna go get changed, be right back. ",

Karma said before going to the bathroom with his suitcase. Nagisa turned to his duffle bag and pulled out another pair of PJs that consisted of a tight-fitted t-shirt and short-shorts. He shrugged off his current clothing, happy to rid himself of the smell of murder and threw on his clean clothes, just in time for Karma to come out of the bathroom wearing only jogging pants. 

" No shoes, no shirt but I still get service. ",

he said with a smirk. Nagisa snorted,

" moron. ",

he said with a loving smile. Karma laughed and crawled into bed, holding his arms out to Nagisa, asking him to cuddle with him. Nagisa smiled and got in bed with Karma, happily letting him wrap his arms around him and pull him close. Karma had his arms around Nagisa's waist and his face planted in his hair, sniffing it. He smiled inside when he realized that it smelled like strawberries and blueberries. Ironically.

" G'night, Blueberry. ",

" Good night, period hair. ",

" who the fuck are you calling period hair?! "

Poisonous Toxins {Karma x Nagisa} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now