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Korosensei's face turned pink, already thinking of good matches for Nagisa,

' Isogai? no, he isn't a homosexual, is he? hmm... Maybe Sugino? ',

he thought as he scribbled down names in a small notebook. He scratched out names he disagreed on and leaving the possible candidates unharmed on the sheet of paper. He stared into the hospital room, his tiny eyes scanning each male face until they landed on Karma. He beamed,

" Aha! ",

he shouted before jotting down "Karma Akabane" and circling it.  

The doctor entered Nagisa's room,

" We have the results! ",

he shouted with a big smile. Everyone lit up, their eyes filling with hope. Nagisa peered at the doctor questioningly, awaiting the results of the several tests ran on him. The doctor began reading over the sheet and paled, his smile dying slowly the more he read. 

" Oh, no... ",

he mumbled. He looked up to the group sympathetically, resentment swimming in his eyes. 

" The results... Aren't looking good... It... It appears that the toxin is indeed poisonous and will kill Shiota within an unidentified time span... ",

he paused a lot throughout his sentence, blinking back tears every so often. 

Everyone in the room's blood ran cold and their faces grew pale. Nagisa's mouth opened slightly as if he were about to say something but made the last minute decision to draw a blank. The words hung loosely on his tongue like he had a pistol at the ready, but when he fired, the magazine was empty. He didn't know how to react, he felt the life drain from him, leaving an empty carcase.  

" I am so sorry... ",

Yada mumbled with tears in her eyes. Some began to cry and others stood in bewilderment, too shocked to say a word. 

Karma took Nagisa's hand, squeezed it and cried. Nagisa looked at him, his eyes holding no emotion. His body unable to move, his skin pale, his eyes empty and his mind in mid-acceptance of death. His mind flashing back into his life.

Nagisa picked up the gun, staring at the letters on it, the shine, and the detail on the weapon that may or may not end his life. He looked at the ammunition, daring himself to take it and load his magazine. The longer he stared, the more he dreaded the whole situation.

" Nagisa, what are you waiting for? ",

a voice asked him. It wasn't soft, though, it was upset. 

The voice snapped him out of a daze and he began looking around to see that everyone else was ready. Sighing heavily, he loaded his magazine, carried on with the rest of the procedures and got into his firing position.

" Ready?! ",

the voice yelled,

" Aim... FIRE!! ",

It screamed before everyone else began firing at him

After he ran out of bullets, he looked at his target as the smoke cleared from the room.

" I bet you hope he's dead. ",

the voice teased. Nagisa turned to see who the voice belonged to, only to realize it was his own voice, his own words, his own thoughts. 

He felt like screaming at himself, he felt like hiding away, shutting himself away from his own mind. He knew he needed to face the writing on the wall. 

His target needed to be eliminated.

He dreaded the very thought of taking a life, especially one close to him, but it had to be done. 

That was the reality he needed get through his ignorant and thick skull, but the bold writing was still blurry to his innocent eyes. 

Korosensei stood in the empty waiting room with Mrs Jelavic and Mr Karasuma. 

" Is that really what the doctor said? ",

Mrs Jelavic asked Korosensei nodded resentfully, he hated the fact that one of his beloved students was going to succumb to the hands of death. 

" So, that brat really is kicking the bucket, after all... I couldn't care less, one less kid for me to worry about. ",

Mrs Jelavic shrugged. Korosensei glared at her, his face red. He couldn't believe that those words have just come out of her mouth. He fought back the urge to yell at her, to tell her she was wrong and that all lives matter, but he knew that was the wrong way to behave, so he kept quiet. He knew his glare was enough to scare her into silence. 

Karasuma grimaced, feeling sorry for everyone involved, especially Nagisa and his parents. It must be horrible knowing you're going to die, and it must be terrible to know your child has been poisoned and is now deathly ill. 

Everyone said their goodbyes to Nagisa, making them deep from the bottom of their hearts, they were unsure if this was the last time they'll see Nagisa. Karma never let go of Nagisa's hand and refused to move from his seat, he wanted to be there in Nagisa's last waking moments, wanting to make them positive and filled with joy so he can carry on. 

Nagisa's parents burst into the room, crying. They ran to Nagisa and hugged him,

" My baby! ",

Nagisa's mom cried. Karma let go of Nagisa's hand, watching as he was pulled into a big, loving hug by his mourning parents. 

After they let go, they saw the emptiness in Nagisa's eyes, making them want to cry even more. Nagisa has accepted his death and is ready for it to consume him at any moment. If anything, he's anticipating it, watching the clock's hands tick by peacefully.

After two hours passed of Nagisa, Karma, and Nagisa's parents spending time together, visiting hours were up and everyone had to leave. 

As Karma was leaving through the door, tears in his eyes, Nagisa called him.

" Can you get Korosensei? ",

he pleaded. Karma nodded,

" I hope you're alive tomorrow... I uh... Have something to tell you... ",

he muttered as he approached Nagisa's bed. Nagisa looked up at him,

" I... I love you, Nagisa... ",

Karma broke out in tears,

" I don't want you to die! I love you so much! Please! Please don't leave me! ",

He sobbed as he clutched Nagisa's hand tightly. Nagisa's eyes began to water,

" Karma... I... ",

he said as tears began streaming down his face. Karma looked at him in anticipation.

" Nagisa! ",

Korosensei called out as he came in through the window. Nagisa's eyes widened and he looked back at Karma.

" Karma, can we please finish this conversation later? ",

he asked. Karma furrowed his eyebrows,

" There may not be a next time, Nagisa! ",

he yelled, tears forming small rivers on his face. Nagisa grimaced,

" There will, Karma... Please, just go... ",

he said quietly. Karma gave in and left after giving Nagisa a kiss on the hand.

" Korosensei... "

Poisonous Toxins {Karma x Nagisa} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now