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Everyone stared wide-eyed at Karasuma, curious about what he has to say. He looked back at them and sighed, closing his eyes as he did so,

" Nagisa isn't going to die, in fact, he's healthier than before he went to the hospital... ",

" What the fuck do you mean? ",

Terasaka boomed in anger. Karmasuma glared at him for using coarse language then carried on with his sentence,

" He was pretending to be critically ill, nothing bad has happened to him. From what your teacher has told you, he was the one who assassinated him. He couldn't be deathly sick and manage that, now could he? ",

Karasuma finished. He looked around the room to see Karma on the floor, sighing in relief. He couldn't imagine a world without Nagisa there with him. Everyone else was relieved, too. Except for one,

" He should've died. Why bother living when you've lied to everyone who cares about you? ",

Everyone shot their heads in the direction of the voice, it was Nagisa's older brother, Zachary.

He was known to be an absolute douche towards Nagisa and always picked on him for no reason. Nagisa was always in a bad mood because of it and everyone could tell that he was afraid of his brother because every time he came to pick him up, he panicked. Zach rarely ever included himself as a family member in the Shiota family unless he gains something from it, such as money, fame or anything else that is extremely greedy. 

" Get... The... Fuck out of here, Zach!! ",

Karma yelled as he got up from the ground. He stared daggers into Zach's eyes, making his anger and hatred clear. Everyone else had no clue what to do, but Terasaka, Isogai and Maehara acted without thinking and stepped up beside Karma, all of them glaring at Nagisa's brother,

" You're an ass! How could you say that about your own brother?! ",

Terasaka barked. Zach shrugged,

" because he's weak and retarded? ",

he replied with, causing everyone else to glare at Zach,

" Nagisa isn't "retarded"! He's smart, relaxed, kind, sweet, considerate and-- God, I could go on for days! He's a good kid, unlike what you appear to be! ",

Mrs Jelavic yelled from her place beside Karasuma. No one even saw her coming but were glad she was there to back Nagisa up. Karasuma nodded, looking Zach in the eyes,

" to put in simpler words, Nagisa is a good person and you need to open your eyes, dimwit. ",

Karasuma hissed. Everyone's eyes went wide and they smiled at Karasuma, then turned their heads back to Zachary and Kaede opened her mouth,

" Nagisa is better than you think, jackass. ",

she spat, her tone just as harsh as her words. Zach growled at the group and walked up to Kaede, raising his hand to slap her. 

" Shut up, bitch! "

Nagisa stared out the window of his mother's car, he explained everything to her and his father, Korosensei, the money, the assassination, everything

" We called Zach, he said he's at your hotel. ",

Nagisa's dad said happily, looking back at Nagisa. 

Nagisa found himself going pale at those words, he hasn't seen Zach in five years and God, have those years been pleasant. He continued to look out the window and panic, thinking of ways to avoid conflict with Zach and hide away until he left. Now he wished he had been flatlining for real.

Poisonous Toxins {Karma x Nagisa} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now