Giant Weddings and Guitar Whisperer?

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Hey, so, just for the sake of this story and the fact that I freaking love Reddie (and it's fanfiction), gay marriage is legal in Hawkins sooo, yeah! XD

"Anyone up for going to the quarry?" Dustin asked.

"You guys got a quarry here?" Mike H asked. The Party nodded.

"We can't jump off it though, it's way too high." Bev told them.

"Actually-" Mike threw a pillow at Dustin who laughed.

"Shut it."

"Inside joke?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow. Dustin, Mike, and El looked at each other.

"You could say that." She said.

"I know this is a little late to ask, but I thought you had to work today, Mike?" Lucas asked. Mike shook his head.

"Nope." He said, popping the P. "Hop gave me the day off so... Yeah." He did finger guns at him and Lucas rolled his eyes.


"Is that a yes or a no?" Dustin asked.

"It's a later for me." Max said, standing up. "I have to go to work for like, two hours because Keith's dumbass has to go do some shit." 

"And I'm going with her." Lucas said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Is six good for you guys?" She asked before they went upstairs. Everyone nodded and they left.

"Have fun with that, bye guys!" El waved at them.

"They're going to do the dirty." Richie said, earning a slap from Eddie.

"Shut up Richie! Excuse him, he's an idiot that has nothing but sex on the brain." 

"Remind you of anyone else?" El mumbled, giving Mike a side eye. He snorted.

"You're one to talk." She winked at him.

"Oh, God, I'm out. I'm going to the library, anyone wanna join?" Dustin said, rolling his eyes and standing up.

"I actually wanted to check out the library." Mike H said. "Can I come? If you don't mind?"

"Of course, my dude, you can come."

"I'm coming too!" Ben said, following them upstairs, leaving the couples, Will, and Stan in the basement.

"Everyone's leaving me!" Richie exclaimed dramatically, throwing his hands in the air. Stan rolled his eyes and got up.

"Including me, I think I'm gonna go check out the square." He stated.

"Stan, you don't know how to get there." Bev chuckled.

"I don't care, anything to get away from Richie." He replied, walking up the stairs. Bev rolled her eyes and grabbed Bill's hand.

"Let's go with him, he'll get lost in the fucking woods or something. Even Richie has a better sense of direction then Stan."

"Hey! Oh, wait, that was a compliment." Richie giggled.

"I'll see you guys later, yeah?" Bev asked them, and everyone nodded.

"Everyone just straight up left us with my fucking look alike. What if he kills us, Eddie?" Richie whispered. Eddie rolled his eyes and looked at Mike, who had an eyebrow raised.

"Again, excuse him. I think he was dropped on his head one too many times as a child." Richie snorted.

"I have to agree with him on that one." He stated.

"Is he always like this?" Will asked a few minutes later, watching as Richie started looking through boxes and drawers. Eddie sighed and nodded.

"Sadly, yes, but this definitely isn't the worst. Just wait til he gets comfortable around you."

"Pretty sure he already is." Mike said, motioning towards Richie, who had on a fluffy ass scarf and a fedora with sunglasses on. Eddie sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Hey, it's fine, dude. I have to deal with Dustin, and he's raunchy as hell." They watched Richie make himself look even more like an idiot for a few minutes and finally went back to their own conversation.

"Have you guys talked about a date yet?" Will asked.

"My mom has." Mike replied, shaking his head. "El and I haven't really talked about it much, but my mom is already preparing for it. She wants this big ass wedding with everyone in the family there."

"That's because Nancy and Jonathan got married at the court house and didn't invite her." El pointed out. Mike tilted his head slightly. "And she wants one of her kids to have  huge wedding."

"True, but there's still Holly." Mike realized what he said. "Wait, no, Holly is never getting married." El rolled her eyes and Will laughed.

"Who's Holly?" Eddie asked.

"My little sister. She's nine." Eddie nodded.

"Mike, she literally wanted to dress up as a bride for Halloween last year." Will said.

"Did I let her? No, I didn't." Mike huffed and crossed his arms. "She's not getting married, end of discussion." Eddie chuckled and realized that his boyfriend and his twin were in fact similar in some ways.

"That's what Richie said about Bev." Eddie said. "But he used to call her his wife all the damn time. He said she's never getting married or going out with anyone other than him, and they weren't even going out."

"Wait, you two were together?" Will asked, confused.

"Oh, we are. That was before he came out to us. Richie is one weird guy."

"Weird for you, Eds!" Richie yelled from somewhere in the basement. Eddie face palmed and shook his head and Mike snorted.

"You think he's funny now, try being around him as long as I have. He's always up my ass." Mike tried to cover up a snort and El smacked him. "Not what I meant." Eddie gave him a look.

"Sorry, you kinda walked right into that one." Eddie sighed.

"I know."

"How long have you two been together?" Mike asked.

"August will be six years." He told them.


"Have you two thought about getting married?" El asked, curious.

"I have, I doubt he has though. He's never mentioned it before. It wouldn't be a legal marriage if it did happen though." Mike raised an eyebrow. "It's illegal in Maine." He told him.

"Fuck Maine!" Richie yelled.

"Fuck you, Richie!" Eddie yelled back.

"Anytime Eds!"

"Don't call me Eds you ass hat!"

"It's legal here." Will told him. Eddie turned to him quickly.

"Really?" He asked. The three nodded and Eddie smiled to himself.

"Holy shit, you got a guitar?" Richie asked, holding it up for everyone to see. Mike laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I keep it down here so Dustin won't mess with it. He's too much of an idiot to find out. Speaking of, how the hell did you find it? I had the bitch hid." Richie grinned.

"I speak fuckin' guitar dude, it told me where it was." Richie even snorted at how stupid that sounded. 

"That doesn't make sense, Chee." Eddie said, rolling his eyes as he sat next to him, the guitar in hand.

"You mind if I play it?" Richie asked. Mike shook his head.

"Have at it." Richie played around with a few chords for a few minutes, and said,

"Oh, Eds, when do I ever make sense? Honestly, we've been over this a million times."

"Shut the fuck up, Richie."


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