Second Chance - Chapter Four

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Riley heard the whispered request, before Morgan grabbed her jacket and pulled Riley towards her. As Morgan's mouth crashed upon hers, all thoughts of retreating and doubt fled quickly from her mind and left only one, these are the softest most luscious lips I have ever kissed. Without conscious intention, Riley stepped closer and moved her hands to Morgan's hips and deepened the kiss. She felt Morgan's lips part in surprise and took the opportunity to push her tongue forward into Morgan's mouth. She felt Morgan's hands slide up her sides and loop her arms around her neck. Riley groaned in pleasure as Morgan's tongue caressed hers. She was lost within that moment and her self-control was quickly diminishing as her body responded with zest.

A hand grabbed Riley's shoulder and pulled her off of Morgan's angelic lips. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" screeched the blonde, who now stood staring at Riley confrontingly with both hands on hips.

Still recovering from the most amazing kiss of her life Riley was at a loss for words. Morgan took a step in front of Riley and faced the irate young woman.

"Kylie, I told you we are over. You need to stop doing this."

"We aren't over, baby." Kylie reached forward to grab Morgan's hand.

Pulling away harshly, Morgan continued. "This is seriously crazy. We had like a week. I don't think that constitutes much of anything, for god's sake. You need to get a grip."

Clearing her throat to get attention, Riley motioned towards her dorm. "Look, uh, maybe I should just get going and leave you to it."

"Yes." Kylie said at the same time that Morgan said "No."

Sighing at Kylie's rude attempts, Morgan turned her body towards Riley and lowered her voice. "No really, please don't go. I'll get rid of her."

Leaving no room for argument, she pivoted back towards Kylie. "I have told you there's no way we will be together. I don't know how many different ways I can say it so it can get through to you."

"But..." Kylie began to step closer, before Morgan grabbed Riley's hand and pulled them both backward toward the door.

"No more 'buts', Kylie."

Riley continued to watch in silence. Kylie seemed to be getting more upset with each attempt to persuade Morgan to return her affections. Riley began to feel somewhat sorry for her as she saw tears form in the corners of her eyes. Feeling awkward at witnessing this moment, Riley looked at the ground to avoid the emotion escaping from Kylie's eyes but couldn't shut off the desperation laced in her words.

"I just want to be with you." Kylie threw one last effort at Morgan, before swiping her hand across her face to hide the tears. "I promise that we will be amazing together. I refuse to give up."

Sighing with frustration, Morgan decided to make her final stand. "Enough. You can't... Not only because I don't want to be with you, but also because.... Well because, now I am with Riley. We are together now."

Riley's head popped up in surprise and although she opened her mouth to protest, no words came out. Say something. Don't just stand here with your mouth open like some gasping fish out of water! She implored herself. She took a deep breath and tried again to protest the ridiculous statement that Morgan just threw out. Before she got a chance, Kylie turned on her heel and ran towards the far side of the quad, before disappearing around the corner. Riley watched her go, while formulating a response in her head. She couldn't deny her attraction to Morgan, but she didn't need or want to be involved with anyone. She had vowed to keep women at an arm's length since the day in the hotel. She took a deep breath and turned towards Morgan.

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