Chapter 1: L.A. Just Got So Much Better

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It was a mid- August Sunday and moving to a new city on the other side of the country is an experience. I feel so relaxed in California. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry about all the noise and confusion of New York City. I would love to go tour around L.A. but I am busy loading and unpacking.

"Is that everything?" the driver asks.

"Yes, I think that's everything." my mom responds.

"Wait!" I scream.

I run out the house in panic.

"Where are my stuffed animals?" I ask worriedly.

"You are 15. Maybe it's time for you to give those away." my mom suggests.

I retrieve the box with my stuffed animals.

"I know mom, I will. When I go off to college. I promise."

"Sure" my mom says sarcastically.

She and I both start laughing. I love my stuffed animals, and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Pierre the Panda or Cher the Bear. Now when I think about it, maybe I am too old for stuffed animals.

"Now that's everything." my mom told the driver.

The driver drove off into the distance. After my mom went in the house I just sat on our porch observing the neighborhood. The pool was right across the street so it would be just seconds before I was diving into the cool, refreshing pool water.  I debate with myself for a while, and then I decide to go for a swim. I run into the house to change.

"Hey mom, can I have that key to the pool. I feel like taking a swim." I say in the sweetest voice.

"Sure"- She held the key over my face then snatched it away when I reached for it. "But, dinner will ready in 20 minutes so make it back or your plate might be eaten by your brothers."

"OK mom" I respond excitedly.

I take the key and run upstairs to my room. I look through all my clothes and then I finally find my two piece three minutes later. I glance at the clock and it reads 5:35 p.m. I grab my towel and I run downstairs with my cheetah print bathing suit on.

I unlocked the gate with the key and walk over to the edge of the pool. I stuck my feet into water and it felt cool. I stepped in and started to relax and then I began to swim around the teardrop shaped pool. Nothing felt better.


I have never seen anything so beautiful. As I stood on my porch with my best friend Trey I couldn't help but notice the new girl swimming in the pool. The way the water dripped off her body. WOW.

"Ay, stop drooling and go talk to her." my best friend Trey said.

"I don't drool over girls." I responded.

"Well you just did." said Trey laughing.

'Shut up. I do remember the time you threw up on Jennifer Williams last year because you were too nervous to talk to her".

"That was last year, I got a girl now." Trey responded.

"Because of me!"

"OK, you got that one." Trey admitted.

"Yeah, and besides I could go over there and make her mine right now if I wanted to." I expressed to Trey.

"Come on now, this is an easy one. She is new to town and she probably doesn't have any friends here. She is probably dying to have some."

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