Chapter 3: Perfecto

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All week I thought about Jacob and the amazing kiss we shared. It was almost like the kiss was a spell that made me forget all that was on my mind, except for the kiss. We hadn't seen each other all week because his mom  had to go to Sacramento for a principal conference and he went with.  That Friday morning, my parents and I went to Meadowbrook Academy to formally enroll me and pick my classes. Carmen, who I now have to call Principal Perez, talked to my parents about everything from school rules to extracurricular activities. I could barely concentrate knowing Jacob was in the room next to us watching TV. Every once in a while he would peek his head through the window on the door and give me a goofy smile. After an hour-long meeting, I finally got the chance to talk to Jacob.

"So, how did the meeting go?" Jacob asked as we were walking out the door.

"Like you weren't listening" I answered sarcastically.

"Nah, I was just watching" he said grabbing my hand.

At that moment, I couldn't stop smiling. I told my parents to wait in the car. Jacob was riding home with us because his mom had to stay and work. I knew I wouldn't get a word in if I didn't talk to him now.

"I was thinking that we should go out tonight" Jacob said smiling with nervousness.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked making him more nervous.

"Yes, Melanie Valette, would you like to go to dinner with me?"

"Of course" I responded smiling ear to ear. "Where will we be dining tonight?"

"How about Bestia?"


"Yep. It's fancy and Italian, just like you."

"Ooo, fancy Italian dinner plus compliments. This sounds too good to pass up."

We walked back to the car trying to disguise our smiles, but we didn't do a very good job.

Jacob and I got in the car and sat in the backseat.

"You two are smiling like you just won a million dollars." said my mom chuckling.

"Well, if you must know-"

"Which we should" said my dad.

"Jacob and I are going on a date tonight." I said with great anticipation.

"Really" my mom responded in a sort of sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, we are going to an Italian restaurant, Bestia." Jacob added.

"Well, you guys wont be technically all alone, so...Sure have fun." said my mom.

"But not too much fun" my dad said trying to be overprotective.

On the way home, Jacob and I spent the time texting each other flirty phrases like; "I'm sitting next to the most beautiful girl in the universe" or "Oh I wish there was a sexy Latino sitting next to me". They got kinda intense after a while so I decided to delete those. When we arrived to our street, Jacob and I went our separate ways, which happens to be very close since we are neighbors. But anyway, he got his foot stuck in the door trying to make sure I got in the house safely, but I pretended not to see that. I still feel a little guilty that I laughed so hard that when I got inside the house, I got dizzy and tripped up the stairs again. Man I hate those stairs. 

At around four, I got a call from Jacob. He told me that it was going to be a double date with Trey and Lia. Many thoughts ran through my head. Maybe he got cold feet. Maybe he needed a reason to not be alone with me.  I was a little disappointed that we wouldn't be alone, but I guess this would give me a chance to bond with Lia before school starts. I was so excited that I called her up and asked her to come over and get ready with me. After talking for a while we decided to start getting ready.

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