Chapter 6: Not A Bad Thing

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Two years have passed since Bianca’s little incident. Our family temporarily moved back to New York so that Bianca could have a reputation free school life. I don’t blame her for what she did, but I could never forget the fact that she tore me away from Jacob for 24 long months. We rented out our house to some college students until we returned. Right now, the only thing on my mind is my hot Latino beau.

“So…do you mind doing me a favor, Bianca?”


“I really want to see Jacob, and I was wondering if you could finish unpacking without me”

“Of course. I feel like this break was all my fault.”

“Bianca, please. I needed to see you get better. No one in the world can come between us.”

“Aww, thanks. Both Jacob and I are super lucky" Bianca said giving me a huge hug. “Okay, enough sobs, go get your man!”

I ran out the room and down the stairs, but I was stopped at the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” My mom called from the box-filled living room.


“Wait, are you going to see Jacob? Melanie, we’ve only been back in L.A. for five seconds, and we have tons of things to unpack”

“Bianca is going to handle it”

“Sweetie, you’re 17 now. It’s time to focus on college. I don’t want you to be all boy crazy during your senior year.”

“Mom, I am a responsible young lady who you can trust completely, as always.” I explained. “Can I please go?”

“Okay, but I expect you home before dinner is ready.”

“Sure thing, mom” I said opening the door.

I walked over to Jacob’s house, and when I got to his door step, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t knock on his door. I was so nervous, but I did it anyway. I turned around and waited for him to open the door.

“Melanie?” I familiar but deeper voice called out.

“Surprise!” I yelled turning around.

“Wow, this is so unexpected.” Jacob said with shock.

“Are you just going to stand there or what?” I asked. Seeing Jacob summoned a rush of feelings that I haven’t felt in two years. He looked almost the same aside from the growth in height and addition of muscle.

He gave me a hug. It felt different from when he gave me hug before. I guess it should've.

“I missed you, Melanie”

“Aww, I missed you too” I responded with a huge smile on my face.


“So…can I come in?” I asked. He seemed nervous to see me. Maybe he was just overwhelmed with feelings.

“Um—my mom isn’t home right now. And after your party, she doesn’t trust teens as much”

“Jacob, you’re 17 now. I think she has a little bit more trust in you.” I didn’t understand why Jacob was acting so weird. He seemed distracted and preoccupied.

“Hey babe, who’s at the door?” a voice called out.

“Oh, you’re busy. I’ll just leave.” I turned to walk away. I knew what was going to happen. I knew that the awkwardness was about to begin. How could I think that he would wait for me for two whole years? He is still a guy with raging hormones, and I recognized that she was probably his rebound; or at least I hoped so.

Me & You (A Jacob Perez Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ