Chapter 4

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"what are doing here?!" woojin glared

"you mean I have to live with you?" I yelled

nah uh bitch I aint gonna live with you

"hell no you're not living with us especially me" wow such a jerk

"yah what's with all the yelling" jisung uttered with minhyun trailing behind him

"hyung care to explain why is she here?" wow so much hate for me huh

"ill be taking care of her for a few months because her parents won't be around quite a while" he replied the steaming boy

"you boys better start showering now and proceed to the dining table for dinner" he added

"yes hyung" they reply in chorus

that stupid steam vegetable purposely bumped into me and scoffed off

man what's his problem? period maybe? nah it can't be. if it is, I better start buying some chocolate for that boy

one by one of the maknae line walk pass me and gave me a warm smile but I realise that the small face boy is here too

wait small face. man im living with him too

"okay that's pretty weird but oh well let's head in the kitchen alright jaerin?" the short one suggested

I nod my head and head in the kitchen with the rest of them


yay food time

we all settled down including the steam vegetable around the dining table

"today's dinner is jokbal, fried kimchi rice and steam vegetables" minhyun listed out

damn how I wish he steam this steam vegetables in front of me

"what you're looking at huh?" woojin glared

I fucking hate him so much

"oh I wasn't even looking you and even if I did, I am probably thinking about ways to kill you" I glared at him so hard that I wish he'll burn

"tch. whatever" he scoffed. hah bitch I won

"okay just stop arguing and start eating now please im really hungry" the tallest among all of them whined

"let's dig in then"

halfway eating dinner jisung decided to break the ice

"okay its too awkward now. how about all of you introduce yourself to jaerin" he suggested


"no" I heard someone mumbled. must be that stupid woojin

starting fron the corner,

"hello jaerin. my name is ha sungwoon and I look forward living with you" he smiled. how can he be so small

"hello there jaerin! my name is hwang minhyun and ill be serving you food and keep the house clean" wow im embarrassed. I can't even cook a single thing


"hello there jaerin my name is ong seongwoo but I prefer calling you mine" he winked

"uhm what about a no?" I raised my eyebrow

"damn you're no fun" he pouts

"hi im daniel kang and I love cats" aww his eyes disappeared whenever he smiles

"hi my name is park jihoon and hope we can be good friends jaerin" his smiles is everything. boy im melting

"hello there my name is bae jinyoung hope we can be close" so that's his name

let me die man. all of their visuals are no joke expect for someone (lowkey referring to woojin)

"annyeong noona! lee daehwi at your servant!" damn how I wish woojin could be this energetic and not mean

but hoe nah let him be

"lai guanlin" he salute. his name doesn't sound korean probably from another country

"go on woojin it's your turn now" I looked over and saw jihoon whispering to him


"woojin now" jisung voice is full of demand

"ugh fine" he groaned

"my name's park woojin and I dont look for-"
his sentence was being cut off with daniel pinching him

"ouch!" he glared at the older one

"fine! my name is woojin and I really look forward living with you jaerin" he forced a smile

boy I dont even wanna live with you. why can't mom just leave me alone at home

I roll my eyes at his statement and stood up to introduce myself

"hello my name is jung jaerin and please take care of me-"

"no" fuck you woojin

"and I hope we could be friends expect for one of you" yep I'm referring to stupid park

"whatever you brat" bitch I can hear you ya know

"okay I hope that we'll make our bond grow bigger and get closer with one an other alright?" minhyun said

with that all of us left the dining table and went back to our room

but obviously not me I went searching for jinyoung

"looking for me?" a head popped out of nowhere

"oh my god! hey don't do that again. I might die one day" I placed my hand on my chest

"im sorry" he smile

"oh and I was looking for you to thank you about early in the morning. without your help I'll probably serve detention with that old mop" I cringe

"it wasn't anything big anyway. I think we should get sleeping now. its getting pretty late ya know"

"yeah it is. alright then goodnight jinyoung see you tomorrow" I ruffled his hair and walked away, living him all red

well at least his better than that vegetable


yo I didn't mean to make woojin mean but trust me the story is gonna be lit like these candles yooo ( ayo vernon my homie )

anyways don't forget to vote my puffs


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