Chapter 22

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thank god that today we have no school. its 4.47 in the morning but me, being the good girl I am study for my upcoming tests which is in a two weeks time. I really need to ace all my test or else mom would send my ass all the way to the states

the boys are still sleeping and im so tired that I can barely open my eyes. but I got coffee with me so I'm fine. i've drank about a few cans of it so im still alive

"I fucking hate history" I mumbled as I take out all my notes, arranging them by chapters. i've been reading my notes for over ten minutes but nothing went inside my brain

I probably left my brain somewhere. "this is hard!" I puffed my cheeks and sigh. how i wish i have jihoon's brain. I slowly took out a pen and start rewriting my notes so some of the information might be absorbed in my brain cells

a few moments later

"yes! finally im done with this shit" my history notes look so freaking cool. its covered with different coloured highlighters and its just perfect but not as perfect as baejin's small face and sungwoon small figure

"what's the time now" I yawned and look at the clock above me. "oh fuck! it's 7 in the morning?! how long have I been studying" wow I broke my own record of studying for eight hours

by looking at my notes I totally feel so motivated (not) to study for history even though it's my worst subject ever

I tidy up notes a little and sip my last coffee and went straight to the bathroom. even when im showering, I can barely open my eyes

I washed my face and looked in the mirror. "jisoos!" my eye bags are horrible and my eyes were red as hell but not as red as jisoo's thick lipsticks

I took a last look in the mirror and im afraid by my looks. I look like a fucking woman who just escape from the mental hospital

I grabbed all my cans and throw them in a plastic. the plastic bag was full. damn how many cans have I drank? I count the numbers of cans and shit it's eleven cans. I'll have a bad stomach ache later on

I took the plastic with me and head down to the kitchen for breakfast

the moment I stepped in the kitchen, all eyes were on me as if I'm a ghost. "oh my god! who are you?!" jaehwan shrieked. ugh this idiot. "what? its still me. stop looking at me like that" shit my voice sounds like a toad

"what happened to you" jisung asked me as he observed my actions "and what are you throwing?" he added on. gosh the boys have a lot of questions to ask

"oh this?" I raised the plastic bag. "it's just filled with eleven cans of coffee" I said as I disposed the trash. "what?!" they shrieked. boy they sure are loud

"oh my god what for?" minhyun asked as he placed the food on the table. "well I've been staying up late just to study for the stupid test" I yawned

"even so, you still need to take care of your health jaerin ah. stop damaging you're body. just look at your eyes, they're very red and you can't even stand properly" sungwoon scolded me. it's true though. I can barely even stand

"im fine" I assured them but they don't look happy with my reply. I walked towards my sit but my vision was blurry because I was too tired

I was about to collapse but luckily minhyun was behind me so he manage to catch me before I fall. "that's it. someone bring her to her room and let her rest. you will eat after you rest" jisung strictly informed them

"I'll bring her to her room!" jinyoung volunteered. he carried me on his back and walked towards me room

"wow you're lighter than I thought" he said

"no im very heavy small face" I mumbled as I dug my face on his shoulder. I feel bad for him man. I mean he has to climbed stairs and im freaking heavy. poor baejin

"finally we're here" he breath out. he placed me carefully on the bed and covers me with my blanket

"thanks jinyoung" I yawn and rubbed my eyes. "rest well jaerin ah" he ruffles my hair and closed the door. now let's sleep


a long chapter just for you humans
zzzzzzzz im sooo tired yall but enjoy this chapter okay even though is horrible :/

dont forget to vote or you're brain cells will die just like mine >:(


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