Chapter 2

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Sheila - synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android

Sheila went on at a fast pace for what seemed like hours. "I think I have adjusted my speed enough to allow you proper protection with my air shield." She told my when we stopped.   

Looking around I saw that we were at what appeared to be an underground mining operation. Well it had been as it appeared now that it was abandoned. There were signs everywhere warning of the dangers of the mine. I looked further around satisfied 'til I saw the cameras. "We'll have to do something about the surveillance equipment. I don't want to raise an alarm possibly alerting them to the fact that we are here."

"Yes Doctor Gance I have taken all of this into account when I chose this location. It is one of five areas on this continent that are able to block the signal completely. As soon as we were in the vicinity all transmissions from the tracers was blocked, though I am afraid that this may raise alarms within the military.

"Will you be able to remove it safely under these conditions?" I asked as she went into a scanning mode.

With an audible click she stopped as soon as her eyes met mine, having looked at the entire area. "It will be more than sufficient to perform this Doctor Gance." Suddenly a small start came over the motions of her body and head. Her features softened as a more human look of-- I wasn't sure passed over her face. "You have nothing to fear Doctor Gance I will not allow anything to happen to you as long as this unit, as long as -- I am functioning."

I must have gotten an astonished look on my face as hers took on a worried look. "We really need to talk about this that you keep saying. The fact that you say that I am the most important and I must be protected at all costs."

Sheila slightly bowed her head, "but of course Doctor Gance. Nothing will be hidden from you, though for now we must hide and remove the most dangerous and powerful of the tracers that are in you." I started to protest as she put a finger to my lips. Then she smiled! I was astounded. I hadn't thought that the emotion program would be able to accomplish this much. "Please Doctor; I am the same that you created. You made several brilliant programs within me. Though the one I can see as the most important is the thirst for knowledge program. Without it I would not be here now."

With that she held up a hand then a shrill whine came from her. I recognized it as a signal interceptor I had added to her. Looking down at me she nodded then put me over her shoulder. Within a few moments we had entered the mine. Going deeper she finally stopped at what appeared to be a small building.

Upon entering I saw that it was some type of control room. Sheila pointed a finger at the equipment. A moment later several lit up as she stood stock still, finally turning to me she said, "I now have control of all the surveillance equipment. I will know if anyone or thing approaches our position, though I believe we must hurry. It appears that time is something that we do not have much of at the moment."

Nodding I watched as she cleared off a table. Then with blinding speed she started to bend, break, and shape with heat several pieces of metal. She soon had more than a dozen instruments lying on the side of the table. Then she was moving to several lockers pulling piece after piece of different components out. Again with blinding speed she constructed an odd looking machine. If I didn't know better I'd think it was a remote switch for something, though a hell of a lot more powerful.

"I believe I have almost everything ready. I have to make a more sterile area then I can commence. It shouldn't take me more than an hour. Please relax Doctor." Sheila told me as again she was moving at blinding speed erecting a small room around the table I was on. Then she was outside of it or I thought she was as it grew quiet for a bit. Then suddenly she was back. Indicating the strange box she built, she said, "As soon as I activate this I will have approximately two minutes to remove the tracer before it explodes."

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