The Moon Rises

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Brock woke up the next day, feeling still exhausted, he got up and walked down stairs and saw paige eating breakfast at a table
"Man I had the weirdest dream" Brock said
"Hm? How so?" Paige asked
"Well me and you were walking home and we took a back ally, then the whole world changed and then there was this weird called itself a shadow? I think? Anyway it then dissappeared and turned into a demon?" He said
"Brock....that wasn't a dream, do you think we should check it out again?" Paige asked
"What do you mean? Check it out again? That place was creepy!" Brock protested
"But it didn't seem dangerous did it? Besides you have....what was it called? Barerin?" Paige tried to remember
"Come on!" She grabbed him by the arm and ran him to the school, but not before he checked he had his blade on his belt, attached sideways, underneath his shirt

"So from here we went this way" she started walking, Brock decided to follow her, to make sure she was safe,
"Then this way and then" she stopped in front of the back alley
"Come on let's go..." she stepped through and Brock saw her dissappear into nothingness
"Where did she-?" He stepped in after her, to see the world change around him, he came out in a main street again, the store across the road, a darkened purple-blue sky and a thick fog around the floor, he walked forward towards paige
"So why'd we wanna come?" Brock asked her
"To look around, you remember those string of murders?" She asked him
"Well yeah it was all over the news, as well as mental shut downs....psychotic breakdowns, and on some occasions slowly disintegrating, it's strange it all occurred in public view, train drivers disappearing, the accide-" he was cut off
"Why are you in those clothes?" She asked
Brock looked down to see he was now wearing black gloves with white stripes in an X fashion, a black trench coat with 3 red spots on either end, and the same mask as last time
Suddenly a scream was heard from the distance
"You hear that?" Paige asked
"Let's go!" Brock started running Paige followed after him

They came to an open area, almost like a roundabout or no-through road he looked up to see a pale, young, blonde girl with a pink streak in her hair looking at her shadow, an exact replica with golden eyes
"What are you!?" She screamed at it
"I am you." It replied
"No you're not!" She screamed back at it, it started to laugh
"Yes, yes that's it!" The shadow exploded and became a massive beast, a massive, blue and white centipede with massive sword like arms on it's second segment
"Holy shit..." Brock said staring up at the horrifying beast, he pulled out his blade from under his shirt
"Let's do this" he ran to the side of it with it, dashing past him and running the blade along the side of it as he ran
"Come on!" He yelled "get her to safety damn it Paige!" Paige moved forward and grabbed the girl and pulling her away, the shadow let out a shrill scream and ran towards them
"Damn!" Brock chased after it "Let's see if I can-" he heard a voice ringing in his head
Do you need my help? It asked him
He kept running as he answered
"Yes! please! lend me your strength!" He spoke the words in his mind
Then speak my name so a contract can be forged properly it answered
"COME TO ME! MIGHTY gatekeeper OF THE FLOODED HELLS! I CALL YOUR NAME! BARERIN!" As he yelled the name the creature appeared near him again, but this time it had a hollow white-blue sillouhet surrounding it
"Barerin! EIHA!" As he called the attack Barerin held out his trident and blasted a ball of curse-like energy, hitting the beast square in the back, Paige had ducked behind a wall with the girl, covering her mouth
"Who are you?" Paige asked her in a whisper
"Please help me! That things trying to kill me, someone threw me in here, he was wearing a weird mask I-i don't know what to do, YOU'LL HELP RIGHT I'M BEGGING YOU!" She screamed, not whispering, the giant centipede-like beast turned around and stabbed a blade threw the wall, the girls eyes widened as she looked down at the blade that had gone straight threw her gut
"Heheheh" she started laughing
"You are not me" the beast said "but I am you." The girl disintegrated into ashes that then quickly disappeared
"What just-" the blade disappeared and the beast became the shadow of the girl again
"Bye bye." She looked at Brock, who was now wide-eyed
"I failed" He murmured
"And now, I shall take her place as I am the true her" it said and then disappeared, Brock walked over to paige
"Let's get outta here" he said grabbing Paige's arm as they walked out, he held a card in his hand, the moon tarot XVIII
"Okay" Paige walked out with him until they made it home

Well hope that wasn't too confusing, anyway I changed the arcana of the main character alot, if you couldn't tell, but now we're sticking with the moon Thanks and bai!!

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