The Justice awakens!

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Brock walked through the door of their house
"What was that?" He turned to Paige
"It- I don't know, it killed her- It killed her when she said it wasn't her!" Paige answered "her shadow murdered her! What if you said your shadow wasn't you!? We would have di-"
"No, I would have died they were pretty specific about killing their own person unless we attacked them, and actually dealt damage" Brock pulled out his blade (for those who don't know it's like a dagger or knife it's just a bit longer than one) and placed it on the table
"And this.....this is fake, how'd it do so much damage?" Brock asked
"It could be because it looks real? It could've made the enemy think it was real and therefore make it work like a real one?" Paige suggested
"We should probably check it out again sometime" Brock sighed and felt his legs get weaker
"But maybe we should sleep for today, you look tired" Brock checked the time on his watch
"8:30 pm?" He stated "it seems time continues even while we're in that world" he tried walked upstairs, and fell asleep in his bed

Paige sat on the computer in her room and started typing up an essay she had due tomorrow then they both felt a ringing in their heads, then a feminine voice spoke
"I art thou, thou art I.....
Thou hast acquired a new vow

It shall become the wings of freedom that break thy chains of captivity

With the birth of" the voice broke off and said seperate things in their minds
"The Justice persona" it said in Brock's head
"The Moon persona" it said in Paige's
"I have gained the wind of blessing  that shall lead to new power and freedom" It finally finished

Inside of Brock's dream he awoke to see a large violet coloured room with 4 large white pillars in each corner on the walls large red and purple banners hung from golden and silver hooks
"Woah." He mumbled softly as he looked around, then he noticed a desk in the center of the room and behind it stood a long nosed man with large, bloodshot eyes, and next to him stood a girl slightly taller than Brock, she wore all blue, a small hat on her head, she had long blonde hair and golden eyes she bowed down and in a soft voice said
"Welcome to the velvet room" Igor finished
"I am Igor, Master of this room, and this is Cloranta, this is a place of both amazing ability and devestation, where we know the fate of many but can stop very few...that is why you are here, you have awakened to a power bestowed to many before you, but think it lightly, someone else close to you shares this power but has not awoken to it yet" he continued
"Master would like to bestow upon you a power that very few before you have owned, the power of the wildcard the ability to hold more than one persona" Cloranta finished, Brock looked at the room, the red banners now had the symbol of the moon on them now, but the purple ones remained blank
"What do these stand for?" Brock asked them
"They show if the users of this room have awoken to the power" Cloranta said
"The power of Persona" Igor finished
"Now go back to your own world" Cloranta said opening her book
"And be ready for your next peril that thou shalt face"

Brock woke up, it was morning (Aug 18th), he got changed, his arms still stinging slightly as he got his shirt on


He walked out the door and turned around to wait for his sister
"Paige! Come on!" He called into the house, his sister came running down the stairs and out the door
"Let's go!" She called back, Brock shut the door and walked with her, by the time they'd reached school Brock had told Paige of his dream and she recalled a moment they were both in the room, though they both thought it to be a dream it seemed they both actually were in the room

*in class*

"So when the so-called 'phantom thieves of hearts' stood the world cheered for them as they fought the 'god' that wanted to control humanity" the teacher said, a woman in her mid 20's with light brown hair down to her chest and dark brown eyes
"Now Brock, tell me, from that story what age was it assumed the phantom thieves were after their leader's arrest?" Brock looked up as she finished her sentence
"Well from the arrest and interrogation it was assumed that the phantom thieves were a group of teenagers, especially after he turned himself in." Brock answered, the teacher looked at him pleased
"Wait....I never said he turned himself in..." the teacher questioned herself
"Meh, class dismissed" she ended the class, Brock heard murmurs of agreement after he answered the question

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