The Lovers are found

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There they stood face to face with an obvious threat, a woman holding a dagger and the obvious ability to summon a persona, Brock readied herself
"Brock I'll deal with her, go get Sharmin." But before Brock could move
"No no no no no. That's the prize of our game...don't you understand that? Come now 'me' don't you understand? If she truly loves you she'll fight for you right?" It smirked at Sharmin "I mean you'd do it for her..." Sharmin only blushed and looked away from Brock, Brock felt flattered but also worried for Sharmin
"We end this here" she said "i'm willing to fight" Brock pulled out her rapier, Paige mumbled under her breath and unwrapped the sickle and chain that was around her
"Let's see how this works" and as she said such a pendant formed around her neck "What the-"
"It's how you summon the persona." Brock informed her
"Let's end this here" The girl summoned her persona, a giant green dragon that she called,
"A good girl, it's what you have to be, right? Your mother knows everything about you and the only thing she didn't know you're always paranoid about" the shadow smirked
"What? Wh- no." She looked away
"You're scared of loving someone again because the last time you did they died. You blame yourself for his death, the death of your father" Brock audibly gasped from the other side of the room and Sharmin's eyes widened
"So will you admit? I am you" the shadow asked
"You're not me!" Sharmin argued
but, to Brock's dismay, she started to float
"Good, good girl, now stay up there for you're our prize I want you to see how she fights and how I kill her." The shadow smiled and transformed into a large woman with four arms, one of which was half missing and had wires coming out of the upper arm, wearing a black dress with a red heart on it, the creature stared at them now standing on the board
"Let's get this battle started." In front of everyone cards appeared in front of them
Brock- 1
Paige- 3
'Serpant'- 2
Shadow- 4
"Player 1, you move first" a disembodied voice spoke
"Me? I mean okay" Brock was given options, the wildcard already in her possession she took her movement, moving herself halfway across the board infront of Barerin
"Barerin, eiha" Brock said pointing at the shadow, Barerin copied this motion with his trident a deep black and red blast shot at the creature, clearly damaging it.
"Player 2, your turn!" The girl people called 'serpant' walked onto the board and told her persona to attack Brock
"Agilao" the dragon opened it's mouth and shot a blast of fire at Brock, she didn't feel much of it but it still hurt her
"Player 3, go! Go! Go!" Paige summoned Jiara
Her sword pendant's tip glowing a bright white
"Jiara! Triple down!" Jiara shot 9 bullets, 3 at each enemy, Sharmin's shadow was hit but didn't seem to be hurt that much, while both the girl and her persona hit the ground
"Jiara, ONE MORE! HOLY SHOT!!" Jiara aimed at the dragon-like persona and shot it, the persona instantly disappeared, shattering into tiny glass-like pieces that disappeared soon after, the girls outfit disappeared shattering, much like the persona itself, the mask being the last item to go, it revealed a girl in school uniform, she had long dark brown-black haired with scars and scratches on her face, she had pale skin and white nearly lifeless eyes, she stood and threw her dagger and suddenly
"PLAYER 3 NOT YOUR GO! PENALTY!" And the girl was lit on fire, recognizing that it didn't hurt her it struck her with lightning which made her fall into an electrified heap on the floor that disappeared into ash, in Paige's hand, a mask appeared, the same one that the girl was wearing before
"Uhm....okay..." Paige looked at it in her hand, and suddenly from the mask the persona appeared
"For killing my master, and having the power of the wildcard, you are now my new master, I am Ryūna, dragon of the towers of garanor and protector of the basilisk's maze" the dragon creature nodded and vanished into the mask
"Player 2, eliminated!" The voice spoke again "Player 4, your turn!"
The creature that was Sharmin's shadow took a few steps forward and held out one of her four hands at Brock and shot fire at him
"Ah!" Brock gasped and dropped slightly standing quickly again
"Player 1, your go!"
"Change! Triorna!" As Brock said that her persona changed from Barerin, Barerin flying into her watch again, and in his place stood a black and red striped tiger
Brock ran at Sharmin's shadow now standing next to her
"Zio!" The tiger ran towards the shadow as its claws had electricity flowing around it and clawed straight across its face
Brock then pierced through it with her rapier
"Triorna one more!" Brock yelled jumping back
"Double fangs!" Brock yelled and Triorna bit into the creature twice, Sharmin's shadow staggered backwards, as she did Brock took the opportunity and shot at the creature with two bullets, hitting two of its arms
"Player 3, go." Sharmin in the room was struggling and broke the ropes, landing on the board this, in turn, caused the creature to look at her, Paige's go....what's she gonna do?
Paige moved in front of Sharmin to protect her from an attack
"Stop." Sharmin said looking at the creature
"Listen, you're right, I am scared, of both loving and being loved, i'm scared that it will happen all over again....i'm scared I'll lose mother and....I'm scared of not being accepted okay!?" Sharmin screamed, tears fell from her cheeks
Brock wiped her eyes as tears started to form
"Dammit" Brock whispered
"So, you are me? Does that make sense?" Sharmin finished softly
Brock ran over to hug her, the shadow had transformed into its original form an exact replica of Sharmin with golden eyes
"I am thou and thou art I....the contract has been sealed we are one" the creature transformed into a tall maiden with a white and gold-lined dress, she was robotic, with four arms she had a massive golden heart on her chest and, moving 2 of her hands behind her back, she said
"I am Estuan, goddess of love and royal ruler of the lost, you are no longer held by strings against your are free." The creature changed into a star shaped mask with curving sides
(As always pic at the end)
And once it landed on her face she collapsed, being caught by Brock.
"Let's get her out of here..." Paige mumbled as the building around them disappeared
"You go ahead I'll take her home, start running just in case..." Brock said realising before that she had jumped in while she was wearing a dress
"I'll...see if her mother's awake aswell" she chuckled
"Go." Brock watched Paige run out and waited for her turn, poking her head out, she looked for Paige, no seeing her, she then walked out and carried Sharmin to her house
"Sorry, Shar....guess this place kinda haunts you..." Brock knocked on the door
"Hello!?" Sharmin's mother called from inside
"It's us ma'am" Brock looked down at herself
"I left some of my stuff here..." Brock walked in
"She fell asleep on the way here..." Brock smiled at the sleeping girl cradled in her arms, she just now noticed a hairpin that hadn't been there before.

After a small bit of convincing Sharmin's mother they weren't doing anything illegal and she was exhausted from running around all day, Brock got changed into her outfit and put on the collar, changing her voice slightly
"And...I'm back to being was nice being me for a bit though" Brock smiled at her reflection in the mirror
She left and ended up at home eventually, falling asleep in her bed.


Knowledge- 2
Guts- 2
Proficiency- 2
Kindness- 1
Charm- 2

Knowledge- 3
Guts- 2
Proficiency- 1
Kindness- 2
Charm- 1

Sidenote:The images of masks are how I have imagined the masks, they are not a guideline for how you must imagine them, the shapes will be used for something in the near future depending on the question I'm about to ask you

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The images of masks are how I have imagined the masks, they are not a guideline for how you must imagine them, the shapes will be used for something in the near future depending on the question I'm about to ask you

Out of the following arcana please choose one to be awakened;

-the fortune

-the priestess

Persona! The truth behind a smileWhere stories live. Discover now