Don't let her die!

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Fire raged inside of Brock's eyes, she glanced around, a new shine in her eyes, and saw Sharmin and for the first time noticed her outfit, a skin-tight, white suit with golden zigzagging lines going from top to bottom, she wore a golden star-shaped mask and from the eye holes Brock saw Sharmin's red eyes, tears flowed from them and Brock realised the man with the bear mask, who she now recognised as her brother, Elio.
"Come now we just want to be understood right?" Tamika shadow spoke now "this is a dangerous game you're playing, just admit who you are, worthless, pathetic you can't take care of yourself and need someone by your side, go ahead tell them, you try to hold on to the religion that you were raised with but there's nothing you can properly hold onto without it dying, it's your fault! It's all your fault!" The shadow repeated that sentence over and over until eventually Tamika screamed back
"NO! STOP! YOU'RE NOT ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU'RE JUST A DISGUSTING TRICK!" The shadow took the opportunity and transformed using that hatred and from it a large holy seeming creature appeared, it was hooded and held a large mithril staff with a blue orb at the top.
Then corruption took it over, it's wings changed into black bony things, it pulled down the hood it had on and horns appeared from its head, it's feet spread out into talons and the staff it held transformed, the blue orb turned red and the white part of it turned red as fangs grew from its mouth
"Hahahahaha! Die!" The creature threw it's staff at Tamika, who couldn't move and in a split second Sharmin started running as fast as she could to get into.

Time seemed to stop around Brock, she was confused but then heard a voice, the voice of Triorna
"Will you let her die? She's here because of you. Would you let her do that? Use that power, make me more powerful! Call out my new name!" It came to Brock in less than a second, the name used to transform Triorna into a stronger creature and she shouted it out with all her might
"The raging storm inside my heart come out and show them your true power, The frost of ice and snow and the boom of thunder and lightning I call your name with all the power in my heart, RAFUDI!!" And with that the world started again and infront of the staff stood a new beast, it looked like Triorna but stood on it's back feet and it front legs looked more like arms, its shape was humanoid around it lightning crackled and out of its body came large, crystal spikes that seemed ice cold and gave off a light fog, the new creature roared and the staff stabbed into it, Sharmin looked back at Brock while Brock simply smiled as she felt fire rage in her chest
"Eenie, meenie, miny, mo.
Who's the next one to be boned?" Brock smirked, hovered her finger infront of her eye and said
"You? or you? I can never about this...MAZIO!" Rafudi cracked it's neck and opened its jaws as two vicious bolts of lightning erupted from its mouth.

Brock visibly shuddered but stood as tall as she could with her small stature, the creature she had created picked up Sharmin and jumped back towards her
"Ugh pathetic, you'll pay for that one" Elio spoke im an unimpressed tone
"Hey, I want in on the fun too!" Paige jumped up and attacked with Mira
"Mira with your power send that demon back from whence it came! RISING SLASH !" Mira ran up scraping its blade across the ground until it got to Tamika's shadow when it raised it blade quickly and slashed the beast.
"That will do nothing to me" the beast hissed
"But this will do something to them! I call upon the jealous god Asura! Bring me your ultimate power!" A red skinned demon appeared with 4 heads and 6 arms, it stood infront of Elio and gave him guard
"You'd be surprised what you can do by mastering one type of arcana...especially you, the one that has potential. Asura, Mafreidyne my friend, aim to kill" the monstrosity held up 3 of its hands and instead of aiming it at Brock, Paige and Sharmin aimed at their personas and with only a few seconds of waiting it blasted 3 bright blue beams of nuclear energy, it hit all 3, Rafudi seemed not to be too damaged by it and seemed only to care about the fight but the others seemed to be affected alot worse by it, not straining to stay up.

/// this will be where I end this chapter, but I have a few notes that I haven't put into the story or don't know how

1. I will no longer be stating when a new arcana is unlocked

2. I will no longer be using the date system

3. Brock gained a new persona on the way to Tamika, it is called Apsaras.

Thanks for reading. ♤

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