Never pretend again

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Ship: Kurt x Ram

Kurt's POV:

"You just killed my boyf- my best friend!"

I knew it was a bad idea to agree to go to the cemetry at dawn. But it didnt matter now. Ram was dead.

My Ram was dead.

As soon as the love of my life dropped to the ground my mind I started running. I didn't know why or where I was running but I had to get away from there, and quick.
My mind was blank exept for a single word.


So that's what I did. I could hear footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. The person behind me incoherently mumbled some weird shit about dinosaurs. But I just kept running.

Until I was met with a tall fence infront of me. I started climbing it. It wasn't that big of a challenge - me and Ram always used to climb apple trees all the time, when we were little.

Before I know it I'm off the fence and the voices are slowly fading into the distance.
The cemetry is far out of sight but I still keep running until my legs can't carry me any further. I drop to the ground by a river and just simply break down. Tears start streaming down my face as loud sobs rack my body.
Oh how I wished he were here right now holding me and telling me it was going to be okay, flashing his ever calming smile.
But he's not. He's gone.

Ram is gone.

My best friend.

My lover.

My everything.

Is dead. As simple yet insanely complicated as it is.

I fish for my phone in my left pocket but to no avail.
I try to distract myself from the fact I'll never get to hear his infectious laughter again.

Or see his beautiful smile that lit up my entire world.

Or feel his slightly chapped lips on mine.

Or get to tell him how much he really means to me.

Or hear his angelic voice.

As much as I try not to I still blame myself for his death. I was the one, who picked up the stupid phone. He was reluctant but I'm the one, who told him it was gonna be fine.

I should've listened.

I should've listened.

I scoff to myself. Yeah smartest guy on the foot all team. I'd laugh if it wouldn't be so damn painful.

Memories of him flood my mind as my sobs grow louder and my vision blurs. I don't remember just some of the memories I remember them all.

I never imagined losing Ram. Not so soon at least.
Now I don't have to imagine anything. He's really gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

I sit on the ground hugging my knees
"R-ram..." more tears fill my eyes as I'm stuggling to speak without a stutter
"P-please come back to me... we... we will never have to lie about being together... We... can... j-just be us... and it will be ok because... I'll still have you"


After another few hours of mourning my sunshine I ran out of tears. So I just sat there staring blankly at the slowly rising sun.
All the sudden I heard barely audible buzzing but just brushed it off. When it kept buzzing I decided to see where it was coming from.
I take a look towards the source of the sound.

My phone.

It's laying on the grass a few feet away. I must've dropped it while running.

Who'd call me at 7am?

I snatch it into my shaky hands and see an unfamiliar number flashes on the screen.
I reluctantly pick up.

"Is this Kurt Kelly?" a strange female voice speaks.

"Uh y-yeah?" I manage to stutter out.

"Sir, I am to inform you that your friend," she paused for a moment, I could hear her typing on a keyboard, "Ram Sweeney was brought into St George's Health Palace earlier this morning."

My heart stopped exactly then and there hearing his name.
Could it be?

"W-what?" I stammered.

"He's currently unconcious but you can come see him."

I couldn't believe it.

He was alive.

My Ram.

"Yeah, I-I'll be there."

I practically jumped up from my sport on the ground, my entirely body soe from being in the same position for hours.
I quickly shoved my phone into my pocket and took off towards the hospital
Soon the hospital came into view. I felt exhausted but instead of slowing down I ran faster.

I needed to get to Ram as fast as possible.

I pushed open the double doors and went straight to the front desk. It took me a moment to regain my breathing.

"R-Ram S-Sweeney" I said still panting heavily, it came out barely above a whisper.


My heart was beating out of my chest. I gently place my hand on the door handle and pushed it open.
I wearily stepped in and saw Ram lying on the hospital bed, his eyes closed.
He looked so peaceful.

A heart monitor was next to him. I sat on a chair next to the bed and let myself relax as the steady beeping of the monitor, that remainded me of his still beating heart, filled my ears.
I gripped onto his hand cold hand as if he'd disappeare if I let go.

I felt myself start to doze off. Just as I was about to fall into deep slumber I heard a faint whisper.

"K-Kurt?" he squinted his eyes at the bright sun streaming through the window.
Upon hearing his voice I engulfed him in a hug and held onto him with dear life.

His voice.

The same voice I was so sure I'd never hear again.

I just stayed there, in his arms, taking in his scent.
One by one tears started pouring down my face once again. He quietly shushed me, whispering sweet nothings.

"I'm so sorry, love. No more pretending...ever again..."

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