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Ship: Treebros

Evan's POV:

I quietly trot down the staircase as to not wake my mom.
I grab my phone off the counter in the kitchen and head out the door.

After a good 30 minutes of walking I finally reach the orchard.
The old metal gate creaks as I push it open.
The dry leaves scrunch under my feet as I make my way to the tallest tree on the other side of the field. 

When I reach it I jump up and grab onto the first branch. I pull myself up onto the next branch then to another with ease.
I keep climbing until I decide I'm high enough and sit down on the branch.

Before I know what I'm doing I'm typing a text to Connor.

[12:34 AM] Evan: Goodbye

[12:36 AM] Connor: dont u mean goodnight?

[12:37 AM] Connor: ev?

[12:38 AM] Connor: please answer me so i know u r alright

[12:40 AM] Evan: I love you

I hit send and shove my phone back into my pocket.
Minutes pass after I send the text, my phone buzzes in my pocket notifing me of a new message.
I don't bother to pull out my phone and decide to ignore it.
My phone buzzes a few more times until the buzzing comes to an abrubt stop.

I take a deep breath and switch my attention to the ground beneath me when I suddenly hear footsteps coming towards the tree I'm sitting in.
They come closer and closer until a mob of shoulder-lenght brown hair comes into view.


Why is he here?

He isn't supposed to be here.

Connor looks around hastily for a moment until he glances upwards and his gaze lands on me. His beautiful blue eyes are glossy with tears.

"W-What are y-you doing here?" I manage to stammer.

"I'm here to make sure my boyfriend doesn't do anything stupid." he replies panting.

Did he run all the way here?

"You can drop the act you know."

He looks at me confused, I take that as a sign to continue, "I know you don't really care about me. It's okay - no one does.
No one would give a spruce if I just-" tears prick the corners of my eyes threatening to spill, and words get caught up in my throat but I force myself to keep talking, "I-If I j-just... if I-I just d-disappeared.
Because why would they care about me?
Evan Hansen - the pathetic loner, who can't speak to anyone properly without breaking down.
They wouldn't care if i stayed or not. They would just go on with their lives as if I never even made a sound..."

He looks up at me mouth agape, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks.

"Y-You really b-believe that?" he asks stuttering. He never stutters.
"Evan, I have no idea, who made you think all those things. But if I didn't care would I really be there for you for mandatory cuddles at 2 am just because you felt like it?
Would I rush over to your place when you didn't want to order food on your own? Would I drop everything to be there for you when you're having a panic attack? Would I run all the way here after
mid-night if I didn't love you?
I love you, Ev, so fucking much.
I can't tell you how others would react, because I simply don't know.
But I? I would fall apart.
I know it sounds selfish, but I can't lose you. If I did I'd... I'd probably take my life, because you are the reason I wake up every morning. You are the reason I haven't downed those damned pills sitting in the back of the cabinet in my parents' bathroom.
I said it once, I'll say it again. I love you, Ev, you have no idea how much.
So please, love, come down from there. Please, for me?" he pleaded.

I hesitate a moment and start making my way down slowly.
I look at Connor, the corners of his mouth are now curved in a faint smile and a glimmer of hope reflecting from his gorgeous sky blue eyes.
Apparently I take too long to admire his beauty, because my leg misses a branch and the next thing I know I'm falling.
I hear the familliar sound of wind whistling past my ears.
I close my eyes and brace myself for impact. But it never comes. Instead I feel someone's strong arms wrap around me.


He caught me.

I sigh in relief and fall into his embrace. I start to sob into his shoulder while he shushes me and whispers sweet nothings into my ear as I blurt out apologies.

"Shh, love, you have nothing to be sorry about. Just... promise to talk to me next time you get thoughts like that.
Don't ever think I'm too busy for you.
I'll always make time for you, whenever you need me. Okay?" he says gently and presses a soft kiss to my forehead.


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