The Wrong Murphy pt.1

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TW: idk slight cussing i guess
Ship: Zoevan kinda but not really, treebros?

Evan's POV:

It finally happened. Zoe Murphy asked me out. I was going out with the Zoe Murphy. The girl I'd been dreaming about since 8th grade.

The entire exchange was a messy blur. My hands were shaking like crazy and were much sweatier than ever before, my head felt dizzy and all of it just felt surreal.

I had to pinch myself umpteen times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.  Though, the excessive pinching resulted in Zoe questioning it and me awkwardly trying to find an excuse, that wouldn't make a lunatic out of me.


I was getting ready to head out. I had about an hour before Zoe was supposed to be here, but I had to make sure I looked perfect.

I shrugged on a light blue blazer, which my mom had bought me for prom last year, but I ended up not going at all and instead spent the night on my house roof, goofing around with my best friend Connor.

Along with the jacket, I had never even touched, I wore a plain white t-shirt and skinny jeans, that I discovered from the depths of my closet the day I ran out of clean khakis, Connor said I looked good in them, so honestly there wasn't even another option when it came to which pants I should wear for the date. 

I checked the mirror for what had to be the thousandth time that night, finally deciding I didn't look god awful, I walked out of the bathroom.

Just as I was carefully making my way down the stairs trying not to stumble down the staircase, I heard a knock on the front door.

Had an hour passed by already?

I ran down the stairs, not wanting to make Zoe wait for too long.

In a longshot that turned out to be a terrible idea. I managed to trip on the second to last step, falling face first onto the ancient carpet, which had been nonchalantly laying on my living room floor.

Quickly scrambling off the floor and to the door, I made sure to smooth out all the wrinkles that might've formed on my clothes when I oh so pathetically face planted onto the carpet, that most likely hadn't been vaccumed in ages.

I swung open the door and infront of me stood Zoe with a wide smile, a floral dress perfectly hugging her gentle frame and her curled hair gently laying atop her shoulders.
She was looking as beautiful as ever.

I looked at her with a small, sheepish smile, while desperately trying to swipe the lint, that had gotten caught to my sleeve when I fell, off the blazer.

Something about her smile and the excited glint shining in her eyes was oddly familiar, like I'd seen it a thousand times before, even though Zoe and I only started talking a few weeks ago, and she rarely smiles at school.

I couldn't comprehend why the smile seemed so familiar, so I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it for the rest of the night and focus on my wonderful date.

"So," Zoe said, breaking the awkward silence between us as we stood at my doorstep, unmoving, "where are we headed?"

"I w-was thinking we could go see a movie and we could grab some ice cream l-later. Or-or we c-could just-" I tried not to stutter but no matter how hard I tried it still slipped out once or twice.

"A movie and ice cream sound perfect, Evan," she responded, giving me the same sweet smile from before, and thankfully ignoring my stammering.

The movie theater was about a ten minute walk from my house and Zoe seemed to like the idea of walking there. So that's exactly what we did with her gentle hand in my sweaty one.


Once the overly cliche rom-com movie, that was filled with convinient plot points for the movie to have a happy ending, was over we went to À La Mode, for ice cream. A bell rang above our heads as we stepped into the humble business.

Before I could take another step forward, Zoe was already ordering a vanilla ice cream with and unhealthy amount of toppings and home-made hot fudge just for the sake of it. She had the biggest grin painted on her graceful features, she looked like an excited little girl.

Anyone else would've found it adorable, but I was too busy giggling to myself at the image of the look of utter disgust Connor had had, when he took me here for the first time and I ordered plain vanilla.

Zoe turned to me after receving her treat and beckoned me over to the register. Without much thought I went with mint-chocolate chip- Connor's favourite.

My face flushed a bright red the moment I realized my mind was on Zoe's brother, his deep brown eyes and the wrinkles that would form around said eyes whenever he laughed or simply smiled, not on Zoe, my date.


It was almost as if Connor's mind was embedded into my mind for good.

That smile

That's what Zoe's smile reminded me of

Her fucking brother

My face turned an even darker red when it hit me that I'd been thinking of Connor from the moment Zoe arrived at my front door and our date started.


Zoe finished her ice cream quickly, probably because instead of eating I kept staring at her, imagining what it would feel like if Connor was here in her place.

By the time we exited the ice cream place it was dark outside and I offered to walk her home.

Totally not because I was hoping to see Connor, at least y'know like a little peek from the doorway.

"I had fun tonight," she said, turning to face me as we made it to her doorstep

"Me too," I forced myself to croak out, though, I wasn't really sure whether I enjoyed it or not, and I could only hope she didn't catch onto the prominent uncertainty laced in my voice.

Then Zoe closed her eyes and started leaning in to kiss me but I quicky turned my head to the side in a swift movement, on instinct.
Resulting in her lips crashing onto my right cheek instead.
Her face was a clear mix of disappointment and hurt.

I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me right then and there the moment I realized I would've much rather kissed the other Murphy.

I'd been crushing on this girl since 8th grade, but during the date I'd wished I  was with her brother instead more times than I would've wanted to admit.
Embarrased at the realization, I murmured a quick bye and stumbled away from the house.

Welp here it is. There will be a part 2 for sure, I just don't have a single clue when I'll finish it

Seriously I can't be the only one who has no clue how to end a chapter, right?

Word Count: 1186

As always, all the love~


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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