Firey passion

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Ship: Boyf Riends

Michael's POV:

A smile forms on my face as thr familliar buzzing sensation spreads across my forearm.

I'm too deep in self-pity to hear anything around me, when suddenly the bathroom door bursts open revealing a very disheveled Jeremy.

"Huh... I was sure I locked the door."

"Oh you did," he replied sheepishly looking down and pulling one of his hands from behind his back revealing a bobby pin.

Jeremy keeps his gaze down as if the floor is the most interesting thing he's ever seen.

I'm confused why he doesn't want to look at me first until i remember how my best friend of 12 years just left me in a bathroom to have one of the biggest panic attacks yet.
My confused expression is replaced by one of pure rage.

"What do you want?" I spit venom dripping from every word leaving my mouth.

Jeremy takes unnecessarily long to remember why did he just broke into a bathroom.

"Oh, right. Uh... yeah, the house is kind of... on fire?"

"What?" hearing those words I instantly jump up from the edge of the bathtub.

"You heard me. Come on, we gotta get outta here-"

"Don't you mean Heere?" I quietly snickering to myself.

"No I do not, now hurry up unless you wanna be burned alive." he said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the bathroom.

We start making our way towards the stair case. We're almost there when a part of the roof collapses infront of us blocking our way to the stairs.

"Great. Now we have to find another way out of here." I say trying to sound calm.

"I-I don't think there's a-another way, Micha." Jer says clear sadness tinting his fragile voice.

I try to collect my thoughts but with all the smoke filling my lungs it's nearly impossible, when it suddenly hits me.

"Of course. Jake's room..." I mumble mostly to myself.


"What would you say if I said there is another way out?"

"W-What are you talking about?" he looks at me, puzzled.

"Jake's bedroom. It has a balcony with a shit to of bushes underneath.
We could try and jump down from there. We might break a few bones, but at least we'll be alive instead of burnt alive."

As I say it I see Jeremy's face light up and a tiny piece of hope glimmer in his gorgeous blue eyes.

This is not the time to act so gay, Michael.

I snap out of my thoughts and grab Jer's hand to lead him towards Jake's room.

I push open the door and am immidiately met with a huge puff of smoke hitting my face. The smoke buns my throat, but I suppress the urge to cough up my lungs.

I eye the door to the balcony on the other side of the room.
I cover my mouth and nose with my hoodie's sleeve to avoid anymore smoke reaching my lungs and make my way towards the glass door.

I'm almost there when I turn around to check if Jeremy is behind me, only to see him still standing by the doorframe, a fearful expression painted on his pale face.

"Jer, buddy, what's wrong?" I ask in a gentle tone.

He stares at the ground for a few minutes before looking up to meet my eyes.

"I-I'm... uh... afraid of... heights," he whispers barely audibly.

Oh geez.

"Okay um... I'll... I can go first and catch you... i-if you want me to"

He looks uneasy but hesitantly nods and walks over to me.

I give him a faint smile as I walk to the edge of the balcony. Taking a deep breath I jump.

I land with a soft thump followed by the suffling of a few leaves. It's Jer's turn, he's standing by the edge, petrified.

"Come one, Jer-Bear. I promise I'll catch you."

He still seems unsure and looks down at me. I smile up at him reassuringly.

He leaps off the railing and into my arms. But the force from his jump is stronger than I expected and I end up falling backwards with Jer landing top of me.

Our faces are only inches apart.

His hot breath on mine, almost taunting me. I feel my face heat up and look up to see Jer's cheeks just as flushed as mine, if not more.

Something comes over me and I can't control what I'm doing and suddenly my lips are pressed to Jeremy's.

When I can finally comprehend what I'm doing I panic and instantly pull away and lightly push him off of me.

We stand up and stare at the ground, embarrassed. Both our faces are bright red.
"I-I'm sorry a-about... that. I wasn't r-really thinking," I awkwardly stammer not tearing my gaze off the ground.

"I-It's... it's fine," he stutters just as awkwardly.

We walk to the other side of the road in silence, neither of us daring to say a word.

We sit down on the curb, the distance between us painful.
I fiddle with my thumbs waiting for Jeremy to speak up.

But he doesn't.

So we just sit there waiting for the firemen to arrive.

"So... h-how did you know a-about the balcony?" Jer speaks up after 3 seemingly long minutes of deafening silence.

"Used to date Jake" I say as if it's the most obvious thing ever.

Jeremy raises his eyebrow. I take that as a sign to continue.

"We kinda dated in freshman year for about a week."

"W-Why did y-you um... why did you b-break up?" he asks carefully.

"Rich came to our school."

Jeremy stays silent and reaches out to pat my shoulder.

"It's fine, though. I like s-someone else... anyway."

At this Jer perked up and started bombarding me with questions, all the awkward tension suddenly gone,
"You like someone? Who? Do I know them? Tell me!"

"It's no one important," I pause for a moment, "Not that you're not impor-" I stop mid-sentence realizing what I just said. I clasp my hand over my mouth and stare in horror, waiting for Jeremy's response.


Jeremy scoots closer to me. My heart is beating out of my chest.

I prepare to be slapped or yelled at or anything, but instead he grabbs my chin between his thumb and index finger.

We stare into each other's eyes until a pair of soft lips crashes on mine.

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