chapter one they are back!

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oh.......hello there my name is Epic flash man but you guys can call me efm for short!. now I have been documenting this Multiverse for billions of years but one this one has a very special place in my spark. the nickname I gave it was red and blue your see why soon enough. No it's not a very big universe and looks pretty weak but it showed Unicron twice!!! Not to mess with it. I'm getting a little ahead of myself now it all started at the fall of 2010 Justin Bieber had just released baby the iPhone 4 have been released a few months and YouTube has been filling up with cat videos. you get the picture it was a warmish day in Texas about 1'390 miles away from a small town called Jasper Nevada but we'll get there soon enough.the sun was high in the sky were a young woman was patrolling the back roads on a dirt bike which had definitely missed a few bath but it speed thought the empty roads with eas as the woman said.'' I still do get why we have to do these we haven't seen a con in ten fucking years!.'' a small chuckle came from the com link in her helmet and a deep feminine voice said.''yeah I know Sapphire but still they have to been out here somewhere.'' she sighed and rolled her eyes as she made a hard right and said.'' yeah.....but still.'' a males voice laughed and answered.'' I thought you would be excited to go on your first Patrol with your daddy!! hahaha!.'' the other woman giggled a bit as Sapphire turned pink she growled at bit and said.'' oh ha ha ha really funny Cliffjumper....and arcee I thought better of you.'' they both Started to laugh Sapphire was quite confused as he cheeks went from pink to red as she asked.'' w-what?.'' arcee managed to calm herself down enough to say.'' you literally just sound like ratchet.'' Cliff howled with laughter. Sapphire groaned loudly and rushed past a old gas station before saying.'' am turning on my music peace out love birds!.'' she placed her right hand on the right side of her helmet shutting off he com and turning on a mp3 player. Listening to a long list of 80s and 90s songs she felt much better she the music and her thoughts.

Actually quite quiet on this road which she thought was a little peculiar she hadn't seen a car in miles she began to think she should just turn around and head by to the jump site but that was all when suddenly only a few feet in front of her.'' WHOOOOM.''. a large Blue greenish portal popped up she slammed on to her breaks and about fell off as she whispered to herself.'' a....a ground Bridge???.'' she was completely dumbstruck in less arcee or ratchet wanted to cheek on her.they could be so serious trouble for a second there wasn't a sound but a roar of a engines started to grow and then the portal disappear leaving a Gray Kawasaki with red and black rims. it's Rider was in a gray flyers jacket and his helmet covered his face he looked around and started down the road at a great speed . Sapphire quickly restarting her engine and started to follow him and quickly rejoined the Comm line.'' C Clift YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAD.'' Cliffjumper sighed deeply and said.'' you found a pet bunny?.'' arcee snickered a little bit but was cut short when Sapphire said.'' NOPE i think am taleing a con!!!!!.'' they were both completely quiet for a second before arcee said quite sternly.'' Sapphire don't engage just follow me and Clift we'll be right there.'' Sapphire sighed and zoomed to closer to the biker having know idea that he thought she was following him. arcee changed frequencies and said.'' ratchet me and Cliffjumper need a bridge to Texas NOW!.'' a second later a older much more grizzled voice answered.'' don't yell over the com!!! and what's going on???.'' arcee groaned loudly and snapped at him.'' because we got a possible, con and mrs. always listen to orders is following it!!!!.'' ratchet was completely quite for a minute before saying.'' give me five minutes I need to get bee and Optimus home them you to will be Austin Within a second!.'' arcee side of and said to her partner.'' well I guess they will be able action today after all!.'' Cliffjumper laugh and said.'' about time let's just hope that it's sappy doesn't get her dumb ass killed.'' a clear throat interrupted as Sapphire said.'' just for that I'm turning off coms again.'' a small clicking sound followed shortly after that arcee groaned and said.'' nice one Cliffjumper..'' he chuckled nervously hoping arcee wasn't too pissed off at him. Sapphire realized were they were head Dalles the last mile marker said they were only about two and a half miles this is why she always do back roads we can always take you to where you want to go in a short amount of time they finally joined on of the my free ways leaning into the Heart of the City. she finally at a red light she was able to pull up next to the biker he was very skinny he had black slightly held boots she looked at his biker and found a Decepticon symbol on the gas tank he body was filled with adrenaline and fear she had never actually seen a Decepticon up close she looked down as she did her best to put together a plan. the light went back to Green and she turned on her com again.'' it's confirmed he's a con.'' arcee ask sounding a bit paranoid.'' Sapphire where the hell did you go??.'' she chuckled nervously and said.'' umm I just arrived in Dallas.'' arcee was quiet before she growled.'' WE JUST GOT IN AUSTIN.'' Sapphire blushed from underneath her helmet as she said.'' sooorrrryyy.....scrap! he pulling over!.'' the grey bike pulled over into a parking lot Sapphire followed she parked a few feet away and whispered to arcee.'' I see y'all soon bye bye.'' arcee yelled as loud as she could.'' SAPPHIRE NOVA PAX RATCHET WILL KILL ME DO DON'T YOU DAER ENGAGE!!!!.'' Sapphire tuned of her com and watch the con.he made sure his bike was secured before taking off his helmet.he had short blonde hair and a very narrow face and his eyes were crimson red. he looked around before getting off his bike and walking out of the parking garage.

transformers prime till two are one : book one:Where stories live. Discover now