the meeting

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N-guys come on y'all know we have to stay together for this little peice of paper and if we dont we split and spliting equals break ups and breakups equals heart break
$-nikki you know we all have separate ways to get to the same thing bwcause of our family's the boys want to go their way and we want to go our way
D-it is sad to say but I agree with sasha and you have to think we only have 4 months of school left and that includes prom and graduation
S-I don't agree with what sasha is saying but we have to think we will end up at the same place NXT/WWE and there we might be able to rekindle or we may not I don't know but we need to stick together until then graduation and then we head off in two diffrent paths that in in the same spot

They all agreed*

$-hey guys but y'all know when we want to talk to each other but the other person doesnt want to you can hold up the this peice of paper and the person has to talk to the person for at least 5 min. So everybody gets a chance. Like Seth said when we meet up again this papaer will help us rekindle that magic
R-alright ima miss you guys.
B- me too and also why'd dont we make ankther pack when we reach the age of 21 we all live in the same house and the house will be 5 story's with 20 rooms 10 bathrooms where we can have company

*they all agreed

*1 week until prom 3 months of school left*

N-hey babe what are you doing
D-nothing yet why
N-just wondering
D-hey nikki you want to go roller skateing tonight with the others
N-sure we haven't done much together since that day at lunch
D-yeah true be ready in about 3 hours ill call sasha Roman Becky and Seth

The phone call to Seth and Roman*

D-hey guys y'all want to go roller skating with the girls tonight
D-cool I was thinking we could ask them to prom why we were there
S-yeah I guess cuz I dont have nothing esle planned and I think becky would be happy if I asked her
R-yeah sasha would be too will be at the rink at 8 pm
D-k bye

Dean call the girls and invited them*

D-nikki you ready
N-yeah lets go boo

*at roller rink

N-hey sash and becky how are yall"she ask as they walk off

D-guys lets do it in the middle....we will all fall in the middle and let them come and get us and they will have to ask if you guys are okay and we will say something like yeah, but we would be even better if you guys took us out to prom and they will all blush and say yes hopefully
S-yeah hopefully
R-lets get in the r e and have fun for now


Sorry that this is short I will probably start uploading every weekend

THE SIX THAT WERE MEANT TO BEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя