there is no I in Team

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Nikki POV

So now I'm like really confused because I'm supposed to be starting college with the others in a few months and I have no idea what I'm doing

I don't know what I'm going to where
Don't know who I like
Do I like Seth
Do I like roman
Do I like dean
Or someone I haven't met yet Jesus christ somebody help me

i know that this is the first time i brought this up and thats because i was afraid that the girls would get mad at me or somebody else. 

i feel like i have a problem,but then again it could be a natural thing. i dont fucking know

i just need to straighten up get through everything and decide who i like whos taken whos not but right now i think i have feelings for seth but what the hell do i know

see what im talking about problem. 

currently im wrap in a ball on my bed sighlently crying 

seths pov

im walking down the hall towards my room, when i walk past nikkis room i hear crying or something

i slowly open the door and see her curled into a ball sobbing

i rush over their and shake her, for some reason she doesnt respond so i scoop her up into my arms and carry her to my car. the reason this is urgent enough to go to the hospital is because this isnt the first time this has happen 

i rushed towards the hospital the instant i get there i scoop nikki, who is silently still crying, back into my arms and rush into the hospital and call for help 

they soon get her into urgent care.

They told she was having a panic attack and had a lot of stress happening.
I hated having to sit by her hospital bed and just look at her pale limp body. I wish I could do something. Cuz to be honest I think I've developed.... Nah

I saw her eyes flutter open and at that moment I hug her for like 4min before she said
N_can't breathe seth
S_oh sorry. R u okay
N_Seth, am I okay
S_I honestly don't know but I know that we will get through everything together
N_like some say 'there is no I I n Team'
S_ yeah yeah whatever

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