Chapter 30

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** Time lapse a few months **

Austin was going nuts trying to fill Olena's strange cravings. He borrowed her car to go over to Rob and Kelsey's to see if they had some pickles and chocolate syrup.

Tim and Adam sit cuddled on the couch as they watch a movie.

Tim shifts his eyes from the movie to his brother's girlfriend as she walks slowly into the living room.

He continues to watch her as she groans sitting down in the recliner holding her back.

"Are you alright?" He asks with a raised brow.

"My back is killing me." She moans as she rubs her lower back.

"Do you want to lay down on the couch? Adam and I can move to the chair." Tim suggests.

"No, that's okay. I've been laying down all day." Olena sighs.

"Well, do you want me to get you anything?" Tim asks politely.

"Do we have any tomato juice?" Olena asks with a shy smile.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I'll go check." Tim says as he gives his husband a quick kiss on the cheek before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Where did Austin go?" Adam asks.

"He went over to Rob's to see if they had any pickles and chocolate syrup." She giggles.

"Oh, my God." Adam says making a face. "Pickles, chocolate syrup and now tomato juice? Are you serious? Olena, that sounds really disgusting."

"No it doesn't." She giggles but then moans as she rubs her side. "Come on, little dudette, give mommy a break."

"You're in luck." Tim says as he comes out of the kitchen. "We have tomato juice."

Olena gives a loud gasp as Tim walks up to her chair.

"What?" Tim asks.

"Oh, no." Olena groans, holding her stomach.

"What?" Tim asks again. "What's the matter?"

"Tim?" Olena says as she slowly looks down to her lap.

Tim's eyes lower to see what she was looking at. His eyes widen.

"No." Tim says as he sees a large wet spot on the crotch area of her maternity pants.

"Yes." She says softly with a nod as she looks up meeting his shocked brown eyes.

"Please tell me that you just accidentally peed in your pants." Tim says as he tries to hold his emotions in.

"No. I didn't. Tim?" Olena says as panic begins to come across her beautiful face.

Tim's face loses it's color as his body goes numb. The glass of tomato juice slips from his hand and crashes to the floor.

Adam was so engulfed in the movie that he and Tim had been watching that he had not been listening to the conversation. The crashing glass causes him to jump and look in their direction.

"Oh, my God. Tim? What did you do?" Adam says as he runs to get a towel. 

Neither Tim nor Olena had moved. They stared at each other as if they were waiting for the other to make the first move.

"You know this juice is going to stain this wood floor, right?" Adam complaints as he stoops down to lay the towel on the spilled tomato juice.

"Baby? Sweetheart?" Tim says quietly as he reaches down to tap his husband on top of the head while never taking his eyes off his brother's girlfriend. "We have a slight problem."

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