Chapter Three

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This is Paige's chance to prove herself to Michael - to prove that she's a good dancer, a hard worker, and a person he wants on his tour.

This is the best dance Paige has ever choreographed, partly because she's working with other amazing dancers, and she pushes her team to make it perfect.

The guy's group just finished their routine to "Bad" and Paige's group comes to the stage and position themselves in a pyramid shape with Paige front and center.

Paige pushes through the routine with all her energy and force and the song ends with the backup dancers falling down like towers and Paige doing a backwards flip while her fedora flies off and she lands, catching the fedora in her hand and placing it back on her head, tilting it down to cover up her face.

Then the guy's group and the judges all stand up and cheer. Ecstatic, Paige then checks on the backup dancers before she turns around. She sees Michael pat the other lead's shoulder and walk out of the theater and Paige's smile fades into a frown.

Later, in her room at the hotel the dancers are staying at, Paige sits on the bed replaying the day trying to figure out at what point she made a mistake when she hears a knock on the door.

She opens the door to find a hotel worker holding out an envelope and he says, "You have a delivery from Mr. Jackson," as he hands her the letter.

Puzzled, Paige replies, "Thank you," before closing the door and going to sit back on the edge of the bed.

She opens the envelope and unfolds the paper that reads in sweeping handwriting:

Meet me in the practice room tomorrow morning at eight for a private choreography session. Welcome to the team! -Michael Jackson.

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