prologue- The velvet room

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The boy opened his blue eyes, he moved his blue hair out of them and saw a man in a suit, he had a large nose, maybe 30 centimetres long, he had a receded hairline and white hair around the sides and back of his head, he had a devilish smile
"Welcome to the velvet room" the man said his voice was somewhat high and (jesus how do you describe his voice? You know what look it up im not describing this.)
He looked around at a large purple room, seeing he wasn't alone, he saw his sister, a blonde girl with dark blue eyes,
"I am Igor, you two have a very, very strange destiny, two siblings, and some of their friends, to save the world" he chuckled
"but we shouldn't speak of that now, you shall see soon what I mean, but for now..." two masks appeared next to him, one had the wing of a butterfly, the other was black and white with a spear-like pattern on top of it (pics at end)
"the moon and the Justice....let us see what you two can do, I will see you when the two of you awaken to the powers inside of you." He chuckled
"Cloranta see them out" a girl, around 14, stood up from a seat in the corner, she was wearing all blue, had golden eyes, and platinum blonde hair, only slightly taller than Brock was
"Come this way you two, my master wants you to leave" she said in a soft voice
"Oh but before you go, you both have a special ability, the ability...of the wild card" he smiled
"Now leave!" Cloranta said pushing them out of the door

of the wild card" he smiled"Now leave!" Cloranta said pushing them out of the door

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