✎Jung Hoseok

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Jung Hoseok -the day i saw you die

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Jung Hoseok
-the day i saw you die

It started on a normal day. A normal Wednesday. Normal weather.

The alarmed screeched, awakening Hoseok for the boring day ahead.

Hoseok was out, approaching the new dance studio when he noticed you.

It was the day he witnessed you die.

He hadn't known you at all. He'd only just seen you, in front of him, across the road. The loud blare of the truck horn sounded in his ears, the echoing smack of your body making impact with the vehicle. The metal scratching as you bent against a lamp-post.

He went home with the haunting flashing of the ambulance lights as they quickly took you to the hospital.

He hadn't known you, but there was a peculiar feeling inside.

He went to sleep thinking about you. Your face, it was so familiar. Your smile, it made his heart stop and skip some way. Sadness flowed through him at the realisation that he wouldn't have the chance to talk to you. Ever.

That night he wished that he had a second chance.


Hoseok woke up the same time he did the previous morning, dragging himself sadly out of bed and into the kitchen where most of the boys were.

He chuckled, "You're playing that game again?" Jungkook and Jimin were both playing a game on the TV. A new one that they bought yesterday.

They frowned in confusion, "What are you talking about Hyung? We only just got it this morning." they ignored Hoseok's confused face as they went to play again. Maybe he was mistaken.

He sprawled across the sofa, closing his eyes, thinking about the previous day. Seeing something like that haunts you. Especially when he knew that all he had to do was tug her back and she would've been safe, but instead he was too concerned with something on his phone.

"Hoseok, shouldn't you be going to the new dance studio to meet up with the managers?" Namjoon asked as he joined the boys with a book in his hand and a hot drink in the other.

Hobi was confused again. Didn't he do that yesterday? "No, I did that yesterday."

"You were with us all of yesterday, you couldn't have." he replied with a raised eyebrow.

Jimin turned around again, hearing the conversation, "Hyung, are you feeling okay?"

Was he okay? Was he going mad? Or was everyone else acting? He sighed, "Yeah. Yeah, i'm fine. I'm gonna go to the dance studio." They all nodded as he left.

He decided against bringing his phone with him, letting himself think about everything. Everything has an explanation right? Maybe they just don't want to talk about it. About what happened. About how you-

A cold shivered ran down his spine as he realised where he was. Exactly where you had died in front of him.

Surprisingly the bent lamp post had already been fixed. The image of you flashed through his head, he grimaced.

He looked down at his feet, trying to forget the horror, before looking up in surprise. His blood ran cold. He was sure that his eyes were deceiving him. Hobi heart stopped, like time seemed to at that point.

Because there you were, in front of him about to cross the road. He shouted in panic, "Wait! The girl with the red coat! Stop!" Unfortunately, you turned towards him in confusion before frowning and carrying on so he ran towards you

His fingers wrapped around your sleeve, pulling you back from the road just before a van came speeding by, almost hitting you again.

You fell against him in shock. "Holy-" you looked up at your saviour to see the most beautiful boy you'd ever seen in your life. "Thank you! You saved me!"

"I'm just glad I got you in time." Hobi smiled, almost saying 'this time'.

"Well how can I repay you, my knight in shining amour?" you smiled back, standing up and helping him up.

"How about lunch?"

You chuckled before nodded, "Sure-?"

"Hobi." He introduced, shaking your hand.


Maybe the world gave him another chance. Another chance to save you. Another life where you would be in it hopefully.

Kinda random, kinda sad and kinda qshort just like me XD

Q: who is you BTS bias + Wrecker?

A: The Marvellous Min Yoongi is my bias (I feel that obvious 😆) + Jimin is my wrecker

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