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I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing through the room, echoing against the walls. I spring up and start shifting through the messed up sheets trying to find my phone. I finally come to the conclusion it's not in my bed, so I swing my legs around to the edge and see cuts and bruises covering my shins, knees, and all the way up to my thighs.


I decide to ignore it and I slowly begin to stand, feeling tingling sensations on the balls of my feet. My muscles begin to ache, causing my legs to go weak. I didn't think I hit the wall that hard. I can still hear my alarm going off so I push through and pick up the pillows that are scattered on the floor. I find the phone and manage to turn the alarm off, instantly causing a sigh of relief. 

Obviously shorts are not in the picture for me so I throw on whatever I could find laying around, which ended up being jeans and a sweatshirt. I grab my bag and put some of my books in, put on whatever make up I felt like I needed, and threw my hair up in a pony tail. I check my phone to see I had a few minutes before Ethan would be here so I run downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal. 

When I finish my cereal I place my bowl in the sink, and a slight vibration from my phone breaks the silence in the kitchen, causing me to dart my attention toward it. 

Ethan: I'm outside

I lock my phone and grab my stuff off of the counter to start making my way to the door. I had a weird feeling about today, almost like something was going to happen. I take my key to lock the door behind me, and I walk across the pavement to Ethan's truck. I get in to hear Don't by Bryson Tiller flooding the speakers located all throughout the car. 

"Morning Evelyn" I hear a groggy voice say.

"Mornin'." I sling my bag in the backseat and recline my chair almost all the way back. I roll over to my side and try to catch up on some missed sleep. 

"Hey, what are you doing?! Get up!" Ethan says smacking my legs in attempts to wake me up.


"And why not?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I'm tired."

"You're tired every day, and I bet you didn't even study for your Spanish test today, did you?" He said with a smirk.


I jolted up and pulled out my purple folder that had all of my Spanish material in it while I hear loud laughs coming from the driver's seat. I immediately start flipping through papers trying to memorize as much material as I can. Spanish was first period, so I had about 8 minutes to suddenly learn a new language (I haven't been paying attention all semester). 

"Why didn't you ask me for help? I aced Spanish." I felt a hand grip onto my left thigh, noticing it was Ethan's trying to calm down my leg that was shaking from stressing. 

"Because I didn't want to stress you out any more than you already are." I say continuing to scan through the papers.

"Evelyn, I'm fine. I'm doing really well in all my classes right now." 

I ignore him and study the words on my papers- if I don't pass this class my parents will kick my ass again. 

I did well in school when I tried, but that's the issue, I never try. I always become so unmotivated from annoying classmates who distract the teachers so we don't have to learn anything, boring required classes they make us take that I'll never use again, and only having one class with Ethan.  

Whenever  I don't do so well in classes my parents get really upset, we get in fights, they end up kicking me out for a night or two, and then I get a text from my mom to come home and they pretend like nothing ever happened. Ethan and his family have always offered their home as a place to stay. They're so kind. Ethan is my ride-or-die, and so is his family. My parents are equally in love with the twins like I am.

Grayson and I used to be super tight, too. I always wish I had the balls to tell him he needs to leave his manipulative girlfriend. She just wants him because he's drop dead gorgeous and everyone else wants him. That's who she is- she wants what everyone else wants and whatever will make her "famous". He used to chill with Ethan and I but all of that stopped when they started dating because I was a female, and believe me, losing him hurt like a knife. But I respect him and what he wants, and if he really thinks he's happy with her then all I can do is support him from the sidelines.

I feel the car come to a stop and hear Ethan put the truck into park. I unbuckle my seat belt and gather my things as orderly as I can. My papers began to fly out of my folder and I notice myself becoming more frustrated and stressed out. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Ethan opens my door for me and kneels down to grab the papers that fell on the floorboard.

"Here." He says with a cheeky grin.

"Thanks." I mumble, rushing out the door. The door shuts behind me and Ethan takes a few papers from my hands so I can get myself together real quick. 

He followed me to my class, guiding me through the halls making sure I don't run into any walls while I was engrossed in my papers. 

"Alright, text me how you did. See you at lunch." He says engulfing me in his arms.

"Ooof, okay." I stumbling into class.


Me: You'll never guess.

Ethan: ?

Me: Our teacher moved the test date to tomorrow :)

Ethan: So you'll be coming over to study :)

Me: No

Ethan: Evelyn >:(

Me: fine.


I rub my temples with my fingertips in hopes that it'll release the newly found stress that has overwhelmed me from Algebra. I hate math with a burning passion. 

The bell echoes through the halls and the room and I instantly grab my bag and storm out of the room when I bump into someone. 

"Jesus, Evelyn, chill out" Ethan says laughing.

I hold onto my forehead easing the pain while I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders. 

I always get dirty looks from girls down the hallway- I'm not exactly attractive. Well, not on Ethan's level. Him and Gray are practically superstars around here and I'm not really sure why. This one girl in particular who just so happens to be best friends with Grayson's girlfriend, Taylor, is staring down at me hardcore (like usual). 

"Hey Amanda" Ethan says with a huge grin.

Did I mention she is Ethan's girlfriend?

Bet not.

My heart always aches when I see them together. I just think he deserves so much better than her. 

"Hey baby!" She squeals, pushing me out of the way.

I stumble off, catching my phone that nearly fell out of my hand.

He gives her that warm hug of his, and kisses her forehead while keeping her in his arms.

"How's my baby doing?" The words came out so sexy and sensual I just wanted to kick her ass. I don't know why.

I walked off ignoring the glares from her friends and headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

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